CW-Lite and CW305 - ADC Lock Fail

I am not using Jupyter. I installed ChipWhisperer 5.5 directly (no VM).

I am getting the below settings when I print(scope.clock). Is it correct?

scope = cw.scope()
scope.gain.db = 25
scope.adc.samples = 129
scope.adc.offset = 0
scope.adc.basic_mode = “rising_edge”
scope.clock.adc_src = “extclk_x4”
scope.trigger.triggers = “tio4” = “serial_rx” = “serial_tx” = “disabled”
adc_src = extclk_x4
adc_phase = 0
adc_freq = 40001621
adc_rate = 40001621.0
adc_locked = True
freq_ctr = 10000408
freq_ctr_src = extclk
clkgen_src = system
extclk_freq = 10000000
clkgen_mul = 2
clkgen_div = 1
clkgen_freq = 192000000.0
clkgen_locked = True

That looks alright.
The other thing you might want to do is insert a small delay after the reset, for example:

assert scope.clock.adc_locked

Thanks, Pierre, It is working now.

Hi, I performed the TVLA testing on AES using the python script: chipwhisperer-jupyter/PA_TVLA_1-Performing_TVLA_Testing_for_Crypto_Validation.ipynb at e33f4a2c822d7c195674b11a1de72828907e7255 · newaetech/chipwhisperer-jupyter · GitHub

The scripts are working fine without error (i.e., Capturing Traces, Analysis, and Tests). It is printed values of num_traces =4000, num_points=129. But how to plot the TVLA results as per the following figure? TVLA_AES

The notebook you refer to does TVLA on software AES, and I’m guessing that the figure you show is from a hardware AES on the CW305?

You can easily run that notebook on a CW305 target – just change the target and set it up as it is done in our CW305 demo notebooks.

Our updated TVLA tutorials (under courses/sca203) are still a work-in-progress; we’ll update them when we can. We do have a brand new demo of TVLA on a hardware ECC target: