Error inPA_HW_CW305_1-Attacking_AES_on_an_FPGA attack

When I tried target.upgrade_firmware() I got an error about the CW305 bitstream so perhaps the issue is with the bitstream? Unfortunately I did not capture the message before I cleared it.
And now there is another issue. Both boards look as below. The LEDs are not how they used to be. And I can’t get the scope up. Could the firmware have gotten deleted? If so how do I get it back since upgrading will not work. Thanks!

Looks like your CW-lite is in bootloader mode. Try:

import chipwhisperer as cw
programmer = cw.SAMFWLoader(scope=None)
programmer.program(<port>, hardware_type='cwlite')

(replace with the actual port, which could be somethign like ‘/dev/ttyACMx’ on Linux, or ‘COMx’ on Windows)

Can you still connect to the CW305? Try:

FPGA_ID = '100t' # or '35t' as appropriate
import chipwhisperer as cw
target =, cw.targets.CW305, fpga_id=FPGA_ID, force=True)

If not, re-program it as well, just like above, but changing the hardware_type argument to 'cw305'


This worked fine for the CWLITE.
I’m having trouble with the CW305. Above didn’t work for the CW305 so I tried to re-program per below. It hasn’t moved past Connecting for a long time.
What else should I try?

Check that you do not have any other notebooks running that were connected to the CW305.

I closed all other notebooks and restarted the kernal and still see this:

I will let it run a while and see if anything happens

This is what happened:

That’s interesting. Now the port changed. When I tried with ttyACM2 it worked. It was ttyACM0 before

Both boards are back to normal now.

Great! I think we’ve observed this behaviour before, but since it’s rare and hard to reproduce, we haven’t been able to get to the bottom of it yet. Back to the original issue: does the FPGA register read/write test still fail?

Yes, still fails as below.
I also tried this: I have a colleague that got his setup working. He cloned his VM and gave it to me. When I used his VM I still see the same problem. So that implies something in the boards themselves.

Thanks, Michael

Yeah, sounds like a HW issue. Does your colleague have their own CW305 board, and does it work properly?

Yes. He ran the demo fine. He was helping me try to get this working. Actually I have two colleagues and both got theirs working

I will definitely run my hardware on their VM when I get the chance.

So just to be clear, I have two colleagues with their own hardware and both got the AES demo to run.

Hi @michaellsimmons - it might be a HW issue, is there a chance we can do a repair/test/swap for you?

To do this, the easiest method is if you can email with your shipping address + phone number (we’ll need this for the courier), and what the product is (is this A35 or A100 CW305 board?).

If you have a box the CW305 fits in let us know dimensions of that too.

Unfortunately the current supply chain problems make it harder for us to send ‘advanced replacement’ stock (e.g., ship you a board first). We prefer to do this to keep things moving, but in many cases we simply do not have more stock at all, so we’ve got to test/repair units then return them.

The issue sounds a lot like there is an open on the board - this was tested at manufacturing, but it’s possible it was a ‘borderline’ solder joint that passed electrical test at the time, but opened during shipping.

If you’ve got SMD repair equipment there you could try hitting the FPGA + SAM3U with some hot air first, but we’re happy to do the debug/fixing here.

Sorry for the issues!



Hi Colin,
The repair/test/swap sounds OK.
I’ll contact sales.

I validated that my hardware exhibited the same issue with someone else’s setup so that does support the conclusion that the board has a hardware issue.
I sent sales an email but haven’t heard back yet.

We got power back just now after Hurricane Dorian and our trusty small-scale soldering with that. It turns out the problem was the very unexciting solder issue, probably it was making connection when we tested and it got shaken in transit enough (or anything else, even us putting it in the bag could have disturbed it enough).

Here’s a little video of the pin in question for you .

Since then it’s been repaired & I then confirmed the AES demo + the register read/write demo passes all OK.

Lots of problems from a tiny pin sorry! Will follow up on email with tracking once this goes out.

