Error setting up Husky on uecc notebook

First of all, this is my first post in the forum, so if there is any missing information to resolve the issue I apologize in advance.

I am trying to reproduce the following notebook:

I have a ChipWhisperer Husky and a CW308 UFO board with a STM32F303 target.

When running the platform setup cell i get the following error.

INFO: Found ChipWhispereršŸ˜
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-144-31b62168fb45> in <module>
     10 elif TRACE_PLATFORM == 'Husky':
     11     get_ipython().run_line_magic('run', '"../Setup_Scripts/Setup_Generic.ipynb"')
---> 12 = target
     13     trace = scope.trace
     14     scope.clock.clkgen_freq = 10e6

AttributeError: 'OpenADC' object has no attribute 'trace'

The print result of the scope is the following:

cwhusky Device
sn             = 50203120374a38503330343137303034
fpga_buildtime = 1/4/2022, 22:42
fw_version = 
    major = 1
    minor = 10
    debug = 0
gain = 
    mode = high
    gain = 22
    db   = 25.091743119266056
adc = 
    state                    = True
    basic_mode               = rising_edge
    timeout                  = 2
    offset                   = 0
    presamples               = 0
    samples                  = 5000
    decimate                 = 1
    trig_count               = 3761399577
    stream_mode              = False
    test_mode                = False
    bits_per_sample          = 12
    segments                 = 1
    segment_cycles           = 0
    segment_cycle_counter_en = False
    clip_errors_disabled     = 0
    errors                   = no errors
clock = 
    clkgen_src             = system
    clkgen_freq            = 7370129.87012987
    adc_mul                = 4
    adc_freq               = 29480519.48051948
    freq_ctr               = 0
    clkgen_locked          = True
    adc_phase              = 0
    extclk_monitor_enabled = False
    extclk_error           = False
    extclk_tolerance       = 102.996826171875
trigger = 
    triggers = tio4
    module   = basic
io = 
    tio1         = serial_rx
    tio2         = serial_tx
    tio3         = high_z
    tio4         = high_z
    pdid         = high_z
    pdic         = high_z
    nrst         = high_z
    glitch_hp    = False
    glitch_lp    = False
    extclk_src   = hs1
    hs2          = clkgen
    target_pwr   = True
    tio_states   = (1, 1, 1, 1)
    cdc_settings = bytearray(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')
glitch = 
    enabled           = False
    mmcm_locked       = False
    clk_src           = target
    width             = 0
    offset            = 0
    trigger_src       = manual
    arm_timing        = after_scope
    ext_offset        = 0
    repeat            = 1
    output            = clock_xor
    phase_shift_steps = 4592
ADS4128 = 
    mode      = normal
    low_speed = True
    hi_perf   = 2
LA = 
    present             = True
    enabled             = False
    locked              = False
    clk_source          = pll
    trigger_source      = glitch
    oversampling_factor = 3
    capture_group       = 0
    capture_depth       = 512
    status                               = good
    current temperature [C]              = 50.4
    maximum temperature [C]              = 52.5
    user temperature alarm trigger [C]   = 80.0
    user temperature reset trigger [C]   = 59.9
    device temperature alarm trigger [C] = 89.9
    device temperature reset trigger [C] = 59.9
    vccint                               = 0.998
    vccaux                               = 1.792
    vccbram                              = 1.000
userio = 
    debug_mode = 0
    direction  = 0
    drive_data = 0
LEDs = 
    setting = 0 (default, as labelled)
errors = 
    XADC_status  = good
    adc_errors   = no errors
    extclk_error = False

I tried to update the firmware, but I think I am on the most recent one. Any hint on why the scope has no attribute ā€˜traceā€™?


Youā€™re using an out-of-date version of ChipWhisperer. Husky is still under development, so some feature (like Trace) require you to be on the develop branch.
After you update your installation, make sure you power-cycle Husky so that it receives the updated FPGA bitfile.

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