No System Serial(SASEBO-W) in the Target Setting

I was trying to connect my SASEBO-W board to ChipWhisperer software according to the video named ChipWhisperer with SASEBO-W and PicoScope. But in the Reader Hardware of Target Connection in Target Setting menu, there was no selection of System Serial(SASEBO-W). Can you help me to find out what the problem was? Thanks very much!

Hello Lincoln Xie,

Sorry for the delay.
I see that you are using ChipWhisperer V2. We are now currently in V3.1.10, featuring many new features.
Could you git pull the latest version in the master repo and give a feedback if it works for you?

SWE at NewAE

We identified a problem in the master branch with the Sasebo-W hardware and have already started to develop a fix. Possibly tomorrow we will have it working again.