OSError: Could not detect STM32F

I’m new on CW and after all the installation, I try to uploading the firmware on the target chip.

I use Jupyter to execute CW programs.
I have the last version of Chipwhisperer 5.4 64bits on Windows 10 (I’m on native environment).
I use Chipwhisperer Pro 1200 with a CW308 UFO target and a STM32F1.
I execute the .ipynb “ChipWhisperer Setup Test” and it works well, except for “%%bash …” command, which tell me that the Windows for Linux subsystem has no distributions installed. Using my working computer I can’t install Ubuntu for windows. But instead I use the GitBash to execute all those commands.
Then, my problem is when I want to execute the .ipynb “Connecting to Hardware” :

scope = cw.scope()
target = cw.target(scope, cw.targets.SimpleSerial) #cw.targets.SimpleSerial can be omitted

Serial baud rate = 38400


Then to building and uploading the firmware into STM32F1 :
For the command :

cd ../hardware/victims/firmware/simpleserial-base/

I use the Git bash to execute those 2 commands. With PLATFORM = CW308_STM32F1

And it seems to work well :


SS_VER set to SS_VER_1_1
rm -f -- simpleserial-base-CW308_STM32F1.hex
rm -f -- simpleserial-base-CW308_STM32F1.eep
rm -f -- simpleserial-base-CW308_STM32F1.cof
rm -f -- simpleserial-base-CW308_STM32F1.elf
rm -f -- simpleserial-base-CW308_STM32F1.map
rm -f -- simpleserial-base-CW308_STM32F1.sym
rm -f -- simpleserial-base-CW308_STM32F1.lss
rm -f -- objdir/*.o
rm -f -- objdir/*.lst
rm -f -- simpleserial-base.s simpleserial.s stm32f1_hal.s stm32f1_hal_lowlevel.s
rm -f -- simpleserial-base.d simpleserial.d stm32f1_hal.d stm32f1_hal_lowlevel.d
rm -f -- simpleserial-base.i simpleserial.i stm32f1_hal.i stm32f1_hal_lowlevel.i

Welcome to another exciting ChipWhisperer target build!!
arm-none-eabi-gcc (GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain 9-2020-q2-update) 9.3.1 20200408 (release)
Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO

Compiling C: simpleserial-base.c

arm-none-eabi-gcc -c -mcpu=cortex-m3 -I. -mthumb -mfloat-abi=soft -ffunction-sections -gdwarf-2 -DSS_VER=SS_VER1_1 -DSTM32F100xB -DSTM32F1 -DSTM32 -DDEBUG -DHAL_TYPE=HAL_stm32f1 -DPLATFORM=CW308_STM32F1 -DF_CPU=7372800UL -SS_VER_2_0=2 -DSS_VER_1_1=1 -DSS_VER_1_0=0 -Os -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fshort-enums -Wall -Wstric-prototypes -Wa,-adhlns=objdir/simpleserial-base.lst -I.././simpleserial/ -I.././hal -I.././hal/stm32f1 -I.././al/stm32f1/CMSIS -I.././hal/stm32f1/CMSIS/core -I.././hal/stm32f1/CMSIS/device -I.././hal/stm32f1/Legacy -I../.crypto/ -std=gnu99 -MMD -MP -MF .dep/simpleserial-base.o.d simpleserial-base.c -o objdir/simpleserial-base.o

Compiling C: .././simpleserial/simpleserial.c

arm-none-eabi-gcc -c -mcpu=cortex-m3 -I. -mthumb -mfloat-abi=soft -ffunction-sections -gdwarf-2 -DSS_VER=SS_VER1_1 -DSTM32F100xB -DSTM32F1 -DSTM32 -DDEBUG -DHAL_TYPE=HAL_stm32f1 -DPLATFORM=CW308_STM32F1 -DF_CPU=7372800UL -SS_VER_2_0=2 -DSS_VER_1_1=1 -DSS_VER_1_0=0 -Os -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fshort-enums -Wall -Wstric-prototypes -Wa,-adhlns=objdir/simpleserial.lst -I.././simpleserial/ -I.././hal -I.././hal/stm32f1 -I.././hal/sm32f1/CMSIS -I.././hal/stm32f1/CMSIS/core -I.././hal/stm32f1/CMSIS/device -I.././hal/stm32f1/Legacy -I.././crypo/ -std=gnu99 -MMD -MP -MF .dep/simpleserial.o.d .././simpleserial/simpleserial.c -o objdir/simpleserial.o

Compiling C: .././hal/stm32f1/stm32f1_hal.c

arm-none-eabi-gcc -c -mcpu=cortex-m3 -I. -mthumb -mfloat-abi=soft -ffunction-sections -gdwarf-2 -DSS_VER=SS_VER1_1 -DSTM32F100xB -DSTM32F1 -DSTM32 -DDEBUG -DHAL_TYPE=HAL_stm32f1 -DPLATFORM=CW308_STM32F1 -DF_CPU=7372800UL -SS_VER_2_0=2 -DSS_VER_1_1=1 -DSS_VER_1_0=0 -Os -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fshort-enums -Wall -Wstric-prototypes -Wa,-adhlns=objdir/stm32f1_hal.lst -I.././simpleserial/ -I.././hal -I.././hal/stm32f1 -I.././hal/st32f1/CMSIS -I.././hal/stm32f1/CMSIS/core -I.././hal/stm32f1/CMSIS/device -I.././hal/stm32f1/Legacy -I.././crypt/ -std=gnu99 -MMD -MP -MF .dep/stm32f1_hal.o.d .././hal/stm32f1/stm32f1_hal.c -o objdir/stm32f1_hal.o

Compiling C: .././hal/stm32f1/stm32f1_hal_lowlevel.c

arm-none-eabi-gcc -c -mcpu=cortex-m3 -I. -mthumb -mfloat-abi=soft -ffunction-sections -gdwarf-2 -DSS_VER=SS_VER1_1 -DSTM32F100xB -DSTM32F1 -DSTM32 -DDEBUG -DHAL_TYPE=HAL_stm32f1 -DPLATFORM=CW308_STM32F1 -DF_CPU=7372800UL -SS_VER_2_0=2 -DSS_VER_1_1=1 -DSS_VER_1_0=0 -Os -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fshort-enums -Wall -Wstric-prototypes -Wa,-adhlns=objdir/stm32f1_hal_lowlevel.lst -I.././simpleserial/ -I.././hal -I.././hal/stm32f1 -I.../hal/stm32f1/CMSIS -I.././hal/stm32f1/CMSIS/core -I.././hal/stm32f1/CMSIS/device -I.././hal/stm32f1/Legacy -I././crypto/ -std=gnu99 -MMD -MP -MF .dep/stm32f1_hal_lowlevel.o.d .././hal/stm32f1/stm32f1_hal_lowlevel.c -o obdir/stm32f1_hal_lowlevel.o

Assembling: .././hal/stm32f1/stm32f1_startup.S

arm-none-eabi-gcc -c -mcpu=cortex-m3 -I. -x assembler-with-cpp -mthumb -mfloat-abi=soft -ffunction-sections -DFCPU=7372800 -Wa,-gstabs,-adhlns=objdir/stm32f1_startup.lst -I.././simpleserial/ -I.././hal -I.././hal/stm32f1 -.././hal/stm32f1/CMSIS -I.././hal/stm32f1/CMSIS/core -I.././hal/stm32f1/CMSIS/device -I.././hal/stm32f1/Legacy I.././crypto/ .././hal/stm32f1/stm32f1_startup.S -o objdir/stm32f1_startup.o

Linking: simpleserial-base-CW308_STM32F1.elf

arm-none-eabi-gcc -mcpu=cortex-m3 -I. -mthumb -mfloat-abi=soft -ffunction-sections -gdwarf-2 -DSS_VER=SS_VER_1_ -DSTM32F100xB -DSTM32F1 -DSTM32 -DDEBUG -DHAL_TYPE=HAL_stm32f1 -DPLATFORM=CW308_STM32F1 -DF_CPU=7372800UL -DSSVER_2_0=2 -DSS_VER_1_1=1 -DSS_VER_1_0=0 -Os -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fshort-enums -Wall -Wstrict-pototypes -Wa,-adhlns=objdir/simpleserial-base.o -I.././simpleserial/ -I.././hal -I.././hal/stm32f1 -I.././hal/sm32f1/CMSIS -I.././hal/stm32f1/CMSIS/core -I.././hal/stm32f1/CMSIS/device -I.././hal/stm32f1/Legacy -I.././crypo/ -std=gnu99 -MMD -MP -MF .dep/simpleserial-base-CW308_STM32F1.elf.d objdir/simpleserial-base.o objdir/simpleerial.o objdir/stm32f1_hal.o objdir/stm32f1_hal_lowlevel.o objdir/stm32f1_startup.o --output simpleserial-base-W308_STM32F1.elf --specs=nano.specs -T .././hal/stm32f1/LinkerScript.ld -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -mthumb -mcpu=corex-m3 -Wl,-Map=simpleserial-base-CW308_STM32F1.map,--cref -lm

Creating load file for Flash: simpleserial-base-CW308_STM32F1.hex

arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O ihex -R .eeprom -R .fuse -R .lock -R .signature simpleserial-base-CW308_STM32F1.elf sipleserial-base-CW308_STM32F1.hex

Creating load file for EEPROM: simpleserial-base-CW308_STM32F1.eep

arm-none-eabi-objcopy -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom="alloc,load" \

--change-section-lma .eeprom=0 --no-change-warnings -O ihex simpleserial-base-CW308_STM32F1.elf simpleserial-bae-CW308_STM32F1.eep || exit 0

Creating Extended Listing: simpleserial-base-CW308_STM32F1.lss

arm-none-eabi-objdump -h -S -z simpleserial-base-CW308_STM32F1.elf > simpleserial-base-CW308_STM32F1.lss

Creating Symbol Table: simpleserial-base-CW308_STM32F1.sym

arm-none-eabi-nm -n simpleserial-base-CW308_STM32F1.elf > simpleserial-base-CW308_STM32F1.sym

Size after:

text data bss dec hex filename

4088 8 1320 5416 1528 simpleserial-base-CW308_STM32F1.elf
+ Default target does full rebuild each time.
+ Specify buildtarget == allquick == to avoid full rebuild
+ Built for platform CW308T: STM32F1 Target with:

Then, back to the « ConnectingtoHardware.ipynb » I execute the command :

cw.program_target(scope, cw.programmers.STM32FProgrammer, “C:\ChipWhisperer5_64\chipwhisperer\hardware\victims\firmware\simpleserial-base\simpleserial-base-CW308_STM32F1.hex”)

And I have this error :

 Serial baud rate = 115200

    Serial baud rate = 38400

    Failed to detect chip. Check following:

    1. Connections and device power.
    2. Device has valid clock (or remove clock entirely for internal osc).
    3. On Rev -02 CW308T-STM32Fx boards, BOOT0 is routed to PDIC.
    **OSError** Traceback (most recent call last)

    **<ipython-input-38-e3b50e145d7a>** in <module>

    1 **#cw.program_target(scope, cw.programmers.XMEGAProgrammer, "path/to/firmware.hex")**

    **----> 2** cw **.** program_target **(** scope **,** cw **.** programmers **.** STM32FProgrammer **,** **"C:\ChipWhisperer5_64\chipwhisperer\hardware\victims\firmware\simpleserial-base\simpleserial-base-CW308_STM32F1.hex"** **)**

    3 **#cw.program_target(scope, cw.programmers.AVRProgrammer, "path/to/firmware.hex")**

    **c:\chipwhisperer5_64\chipwhisperer\software\chipwhisperer\__init__.py** in program_target **(scope, prog_type, fw_path, **kwargs)**
    60 prog **.** _logging **=** **None**
    61 prog **.** open **()**
    **---> 62**  prog **.** find **()**
    63 prog **.** erase **()**
    64 prog **.** program **(** fw_path **,** memtype **=** **"flash"** **,** verify **=** **True** **)**

    **c:\chipwhisperer5_64\chipwhisperer\software\chipwhisperer\capture\api\programmers.py** in func_wrapper **(self, *args, **kwargs)**
    68 self **.** scope **.** io **.** nrst **=** **'high_z'**
    69   **try** **:**
    **---> 70**  val **=** func **(** self **,** ***** args **,** ****** kwargs **)**
    71   **finally** **:**
    72 logging **.** debug **(** **'Restoring pdic, pdid, and nrst pin configuration'** **)**

    **c:\chipwhisperer5_64\chipwhisperer\software\chipwhisperer\capture\api\programmers.py** in find **(self)**
    301 stm32f **=** self **.** stm32prog **()**
    302 stm32f **.** scope **=** self **.** scope
    **--> 303**  sig **,** chip **=** stm32f **.** find **()**
    305   **# logging is done at the lower level**

    **c:\chipwhisperer5_64\chipwhisperer\software\chipwhisperer\hardware\naeusb\programmer_stm32fserial.py** in func_wrapper **(self, *args, **kwargs)**
    35   **def** func_wrapper **(** self **,** ***** args **,** ****** kwargs **):**
    36   **try** **:**
    **---> 37**   **return** func **(** self **,** ***** args **,** ****** kwargs **)**
    38   **except** **:**
    39 self **.** close_port **()**

    **c:\chipwhisperer5_64\chipwhisperer\software\chipwhisperer\hardware\naeusb\programmer_stm32fserial.py** in find **(self, logfunc)**
    172   **try** **:**
    **--> 173**  self **.** initChip **()**
    174   **except** IOError **:**
    175 logfunc **(** **"Failed to detect chip. Check following: "** **)**

    **c:\chipwhisperer5_64\chipwhisperer\software\chipwhisperer\hardware\naeusb\programmer_stm32fserial.py** in func_wrapper **(self, *args, **kwargs)**
    35   **def** func_wrapper **(** self **,** ***** args **,** ****** kwargs **):**
    36   **try** **:**
    **---> 37**   **return** func **(** self **,** ***** args **,** ****** kwargs **)**
    38   **except** **:**
    39 self **.** close_port **()**

    **c:\chipwhisperer5_64\chipwhisperer\software\chipwhisperer\hardware\naeusb\programmer_stm32fserial.py** in initChip **(self)**
    351 self **.** releaseChip **()**
    **--> 352**   **raise** IOError **(** **"Could not detect STM32F, check connections, BOOT MODE entry setup"** **)**
    354   **@** close_on_fail
    **OSError** : Could not detect STM32F, check connections, BOOT MODE entry setup

I try to update the firmware board with the API.
I already try those topics to fixes but with no success :

Could not detect STM32F

Os error : could not detect STM32f

CW1200 Pro Erasing STM32F4 error

I’m asking if the LED1,2 and 3 should be on ?
Why there is 2 baud rate value ?
Serial baud rate = 115200
Serial baud rate = 38400

I’m rather a beginner on embedded device, so maybe I’ve missed something easy.

Thanks in advance for your answer.


Hi Mathieu,

The F1 is a bit of an edge case with programming. You need to set the device clock to 8MHz before programming and set it back to 7.37MHz afterwards:


scope.clock.clkgen_freq = 8E6

#program target...
cw.program_target(scope, cw.programmers.STM32FProgrammer, \

scope.clock.clkgen_freq = 7.37E6

#reset and run as usual...

Let me know if that works for you.


Thank you Alex for your quick answer. But, unfortunately, it does not fix the problem …
I try to change the baud rate too, but same issues.
I forgot to say it but on the CW1200 box the Status LED is blinking.


To confirm, are you changing the baud rate via cw.program_target(..., ..., ..., baud=38400)? Also, try taking the CW506 out of the loop and connect the CWPro directly to the CW308.

EDIT: After looking more closely, I think you have the UART pins off on the CW506, preventing any communication between the CWPro and the CW308.

I’d recommend just taking the CW506 out of the equation here, unless you have a reason to include it. The CWPro and the CW308 chips all use 3.3V, so there’s no need for any voltage translation.

YES ! It worked !
I remove the CW506 between the 2 others and it worked !
Thank you very much !

Best regards,

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