Power analysis on raspberry

Hello everyone.
I am looking into doing power analysis on a raspberry pi. I understand I will have to connect rx ,tx gnd, and I am assuming the reading of the power traces will be through the 5v pin 2 of the GPIO. I wanted to know if there was some extra needed work like removing caps or connecting extra pins for triggering.
Btw I am still unsure of the implementation of aes in the raspberry pi, so if you got tips I appreciate it.

Hi Digg,

Running on a R-Pi will be tricky, as it’s a much faster + noisier target. I’d start with something like a password check which has a more obvious power signature. You can find implementations on the chipwhisperer/hardware/victims/firmware at develop · newaetech/chipwhisperer · GitHub repo which includes the crypto and other examples.

But you might want to first try running this on something like an Arduino which is basically “known to work” (we have ATMega328P HALs) before going all the way to r-pi (unless you mean r-pi pico?).

I don’t think we’ve tried running power analysis on a r-pi “main board” ourselves, but have used them for glitch demos. But maybe someone else has by chance that could chime in…
