STM32F415 Hardware Crypto

Not that I’m aware of.

Tell me what could be the problem? Look, I’ve already tried to copy the project several times SCOPETYPE = ‘OPENADC’
cd …/…/…/firmware/mcu/simpleserial-aes
make PLATFORM=$1 CRYPTO_TARGET=$2 SS_VER=$3 flash the controller and run it to collect data, but as a result the data is saved incorrectly… textin=textout in the project files… now I don’t understand why, in theory the data after encryption is read from the controller after encryption, that is, the encryption does not work? How can I log the exchange of commands and all data between the controller?

Could this be a problem related to the fact that this is not the original microcontroller that I installed in the platform? How can I understand whether it is the original or not?