Chipwhisperer 5 results do not match Chipwhisperer 4

Has anyone else tried comparing results from chipwhisperer 5 and 4, and found that they differed significantly between the two versions for the same attack / bitstream?

I am using the jupyter notebook PA_HW_CW305_1-Attacking_AES_on_an_FPGA script, using the impl_100 bitstream. The results for this in CW 5 show for me that no key has been found after 5000 traces (as shown in the PGE table that is present in the default script). However, when I did the exact same attack as this tutorial in CW4 (CPA, last round diff) the keys were always found at around 1000 traces.

I have, and I did not observe any significant difference.
Was your CW4 vs CW5 experiment done with the same hardware, cables, etc… and at about the same time?
Do the results in CW5 show that you are converging towards the correct key, or are they way off? What if you increase the number of traces?

Yes, I use the same exact boards (chipwhisperer lite and 305) on the same computer. I have tested them 5 minutes apart (unplugging and replugging the board in between to prevent errors about the USB connection being busy).

In both CW4 (specifically 4.0.2) and CW5 (specifically 5.1.1) , I have been using the following bitstream:


I can’t attach the jupyter notebook file I am using for CW5, or the attack script that I am using in CW4, so I am going to paste the contents of these files as comments below. Note that in both, I am attacking last round state diff using CPA attack. In my tests, I am collecting 5000 traces.

In CW5, I am basically using all the same settings as described in the PA_HW_CW305_1-Attacking_AES_on_an_FPGA tutorial, as you can see from my file. The only modifications are commenting out the impl_35 bitstream and adding code to print the PGE graph and another output graph, which is code copied from another one of your jupyter notebook tutorials.

In CW4, I do not change any of the default settings except for resetting the ADC DCM after programming the board.

As for the results, it is clear that in CW4, the key is found in less than 2000 traces. In CW5, only one subkey is even close to being solved after 5000 traces. I know from experience with CW4 that this bitstream virtually always breaks between 1-2k traces, so the fact that it is still no where near close after 5k in CW5 is concerning. I can only upload one image in this forum, so I combined them all into one. Let me know if its too hard to read.

Please let me know if there is any other information that I can provide that might be helpful. I found CW5 to be twice as fast and much easier to work with compared to CW4 and would love to use it for more experiments as soon as possible. However, I am reluctant to use it until this is resolved, as I need to be able to have more faith in the results.


#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

# # Breaking Hardware AES on CW305 FPGA

# This tutorial is a continuation from [Tutorial CW305-1 Building a Project]( Here, we'll use our hardware setup to find a fixed secret key that the Artix FPGA is using for AES encryption. This tutorial relies on previous knowledge from [Using_CW-Analyzer_for_CPA_Attack](PA_CPA_1-Using_CW-Analyzer_for_CPA_Attack.ipynb), so make sure you understand how that attack works.

# In[1]:

#Parameters - None needed!

# ## Background Theory
# During this tutorial, we'll be working with a hardware AES implementation. This type of attack can be much more difficult than a software AES attack. In the software AES attacks, we needed hundreds or thousands of clock cycles to capture the algorithm's full execution. In contrast, a hardware AES implementation may have a variety of speeds. Depending on the performance of the hardware, a whole spectrum of execution speeds can be achieved by executing many operations in a single clock cycle. It is theoretically possible to execute the entire AES encryption in a single cycle, given enough hardware space and provided that the clock is not too fast. Most hardware accelerators are designed to complete one round or one large part of a round in a single cycle.
# This fast execution may cause problems with a regular CPA attack. In software, we found that it was easy to search for the outputs of the s-boxes because these values would need to be loaded from memory onto a high-capacitance data bus. This is not necessarily true on an FPGA, where the output of the s-boxes may be directly fed into the next stage of the algorithm. In general, we may need some more knowledge of the hardware implementation to successfully complete an attack.
# In our case, let's suppose that every round of AES is completed in a single clock cycle. Recall the execution of AES:
# <img src="img/AES_Encryption.png" width="250">
# Here, every blue block is executed in one clock cycle. This means that an excellent candidate for a CPA attack is the difference between the input and output of the final round. It is likely that this state is stored in a port that is updated every round, so we expect that the Hamming distance between the round input and output is the most important factor on the power consumption. Also, the last round is the easiest to attack because it has no MixColumns operation. We'll use this Hamming distance as the target in our CPA attack.

# ## Capture Notes
# Most of the capture settings used below are similar to the standard ChipWhisperer scope settings. However, there are a couple of interesting points:
# - We're only capturing 129 samples (the minimum allowed), and the encryption is completed in less than 60 samples with an x4 ADC clock. This makes sense - as we mentioned above, our AES implementation is computing each round in a single clock cycle.
# - We're using EXTCLK x4 for our ADC clock. This means that the FPGA is outputting a clock signal, and we aren't driving it.
# Other than these, the last interesting setting is the number of traces. By default, the capture software is ready to capture 5000 traces - many more than were required for software AES! It is difficult for us to measure the small power spikes from the Hamming distance on the last round: these signals are dwarfed by noise and the other operations on the chip. To deal with this small signal level, we need to capture many more traces.

# ## Capture Setup

# Setup is somewhat similar to other targets. This time, however, we'll be using an external clock (from the FPGA). We'll also do the rest of the setup manually:

# In[2]:

import chipwhisperer as cw

scope = cw.scope()
scope.gain.db = 25
scope.adc.samples = 129
scope.adc.offset = 0
scope.adc.basic_mode = "rising_edge"
scope.clock.clkgen_freq = 7370000
scope.clock.adc_src = "extclk_x4"
scope.trigger.triggers = "tio4" = "serial_rx" = "serial_tx" = "disabled"

# Next we'll connect to the CW305 board. Here we'll need to specify our bitstream file to load as well as the usual scope and target_type arguments.
# Pick the correct bitfile for your CW305 board. By setting `force=False`, the bitfile will only be programmed if the FPGA is uninitialized (e.g. after powering up). Change to `force=True` to always program the FPGA (e.g. if you have generated a new bitfile).

# In[3]:

bitstream = r"../../../hardware/victims/cw305_artixtarget/fpga/vivado_examples/aes128_verilog/aes128_verilog.runs/impl_100t/cw305_top.bit"
#bitstream = r"../hardware/victims/cw305_artixtarget/fpga/vivado_examples/aes128_verilog/aes128_verilog.runs/impl_35t/cw305_top.bit"
target =, cw.targets.CW305, bsfile=bitstream, force=True)

# In[4]:

project_file = "projects/Tutorial_HW_CW305.cwp"
project = cw.create_project(project_file, overwrite=True)

# Next we set all the PLLs. We enable CW305's PLL1; this clock will feed both the target and the CW ADC. As explained [here](, **make sure the DIP switches on the CW305 board are set as follows**:
# - J16 = 0
# - K16 = 1

# In[5]:

# we only need PLL1:
target.pll.pll_outenable_set(False, 0)
target.pll.pll_outenable_set(True, 1)
target.pll.pll_outenable_set(False, 2)

# run at 10 MHz:
target.pll.pll_outfreq_set(10E6, 1)

# 1ms is plenty of idling time
target.clkusbautooff = True
target.clksleeptime = 1

# In[7]:

# ensure ADC is locked:
assert (scope.clock.adc_locked), "ADC failed to lock"

# Occasionally the ADC will fail to lock on the first try; when that happens, the above assertion will fail (and on the CW-Lite, the red LED will be on). Simply re-running the above cell again should fix things.

# ## Trace Capture
# Below is the capture loop. The main body of the loop loads some new plaintext, arms the scope, sends the key and plaintext, then finally records and appends our new trace to the `traces[]` list.
# Because we're capturing 5000 traces, this takes a bit longer than the attacks against software AES implementations.
# Note that the encryption result is read from the target and compared to the expected results, as a sanity check.

# In[8]:

from tqdm import tnrange
import numpy as np
import time
from Crypto.Cipher import AES

ktp = cw.ktp.Basic()

traces = []
textin = []
keys = []
N = 5000  # Number of traces

# initialize cipher to verify DUT result:
key, text =
cipher =, AES.MODE_ECB)

for i in tnrange(N, desc='Capturing traces'):
    # run aux stuff that should come before trace here

    key, text =  # manual creation of a key, text pair can be substituted here
    ret = cw.capture_trace(scope, target, text, key)
    if not ret:
        print("Failed capture")

    assert (list(ret.textout) == list(cipher.encrypt(bytes(text)))), "Incorrect encryption result!\nGot {}\nExp {}\n".format(ret.textout, list(text))
    #trace += scope.getLastTrace()

# This shows how a captured trace can be plotted:

# In[9]:

from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
from import output_notebook

p = figure(plot_width=800)

xrange = range(len(traces[0]))
p.line(xrange, traces[0], line_color="red")

# Finally we save our traces and disconnect. By saving the traces, the attack can be repeated in the future without having to repeat the trace acquisition steps above.

# In[10]:

# ## Attack
# Now we re-open our saved project and specify the attack parameters. For this hardware AES implementation, we use a different leakage model and attack than what is used for the software AES implementations.
# Note that this attack requires only the ciphertext, not the plaintext.

# In[11]:

import chipwhisperer as cw
import chipwhisperer.analyzer as cwa
project_file = "projects/Tutorial_HW_CW305"
project = cw.open_project(project_file)
attack =, cwa.leakage_models.last_round_state_diff)
cb = cwa.get_jupyter_callback(attack)

# This runs the attack:

# In[12]:

attack_results =

# In[ ]:

# In[13]:

plot_data = cwa.analyzer_plots(attack_results)

# In[14]:

import holoviews as hv
from holoviews.operation.datashader import datashade, shade, dynspread, rasterize
from holoviews.operation import decimate
import pandas as pd, numpy as np

a = []
b = []
for i in range(0, 16):
    data = plot_data.output_vs_time(i)
pda = pd.DataFrame(a).transpose().rename(str, axis='columns')
pdb = pd.DataFrame(b).transpose().rename(str, axis='columns')
curve = hv.Curve(pdb['0']).options(color='green')
for i in range(1, 16):
    curve *= hv.Curve(pdb[str(i)]).options(color='green')

for i in range(0, 16):
    curve *= hv.Curve(pda[str(i)]).options(color='red')
decimate(curve.opts(width=900, height=600))

# In[15]:

ret = plot_data.pge_vs_trace(0)
curve = hv.Curve((ret[0],ret[1]))
for bnum in range(1, 16):
    ret = plot_data.pge_vs_trace(bnum)
    curve *= hv.Curve((ret[0],ret[1]))
curve.opts(width=900, height=600)

# In[ ]:

# The attack results can be saved for later viewing or processing without having to repeat the attack:

# In[16]:

import pickle
pickle_file = project_file + ".results.pickle"
pickle.dump(attack_results, open(pickle_file, "wb"))

# You may notice that we didn't get the expected key from this attack, but still got a good difference in correlation between the best guess and the next best guess. This is because we actually recovered the key from the last round of AES. We'll need to use analyzer to get the actual AES key: 

# In[17]:

from chipwhisperer.analyzer.attacks.models.aes.key_schedule import key_schedule_rounds
recv_lastroundkey = [kguess[0][0] for kguess in attack_results.find_maximums()]
recv_key = key_schedule_rounds(recv_lastroundkey, 10, 0)
for subkey in recv_key:

# ## Tests
# Check that the key obtained by the attack is the key that was used.
# This attack targets the last round key, so we have to roll it back to compare against the key we provided.

# In[18]:

key = list(key)
assert (key == recv_key), "Failed to recover encryption key\nGot:      {}\nExpected: {}".format(recv_key, key)

# In[ ]:


"""CPA attack script.

Assumes that a project with XMEGA software AES traces is already open.

import chipwhisperer as cw
from import CPA
from import CPAProgressive
from chipwhisperer.analyzer.attacks.models.AES128_8bit import AES128_8bit, LastroundStateDiff
from chipwhisperer.analyzer.preprocessing.add_noise_random import AddNoiseRandom

#self.project = cw.openProject("2017-mar23-xmega-aes.cwp")
traces = self.project.traceManager()

#Example: If you wanted to add noise, turn the .enabled to "True"
self.ppmod[0] = AddNoiseRandom()
self.ppmod[0].noise = 0.05
self.ppmod[0].enabled = False

attack = CPA()
leak_model = AES128_8bit(LastroundStateDiff)
attack.setAnalysisAlgorithm(CPAProgressive, leak_model)
attack.setTargetSubkeys([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15])
attack.setPointRange((0, -1))


#        self.api.getResults("Attack Settings").setAnalysisSource(self.attack)
#        self.api.getResults("Correlation vs Traces in Attack").setAnalysisSource(self.attack)
#        self.api.getResults("Output vs Point Plot").setAnalysisSource(self.attack)
#        self.api.getResults("PGE vs Trace Plot").setAnalysisSource(self.attack)
#        self.api.getResults("Results Table").setAnalysisSource(self.attack)
#        self.api.getResults("Save to Files").setAnalysisSource(self.attack)
#        self.api.getResults("Trace Output Plot").setTraceSource(self.traces)
#        self.api.getResults("Trace Recorder").setTraceSource(self.traces)

Hi Jackie, thanks for all the details!
The last time I ran the CW305 notebook was on a pre-release version of CW5. I still have that version around and just checked that it does indeed break AES in ~2000 traces.
Lo and behold, on the released version, I get the same results as you! I will investigate further and update here when I have a fix.

Ah okay, good to know! Do you know what version I should use in the meantime?

Note that I tried downloading directly from Git from these instructions and I still get essentially the same results, as no key has broken after 5000 traces with impl_100 bitstream.


Now that I have tried the release and Git install, and they both do not work, I’m not sure what else to try… Maybe the VM?

Since you said that you have a version that does work, would you be able to release that (or give the link to download the specific version from git) in the meantime?


An untold number of other things are likely broken and/or out of date in what I had, so best to wait a bit more and we’ll get this fixed properly. I’ll set aside some time to look into this today.

Thanks for your patience with this, it’s now fixed on the develop branch by this commit.

TLDR: There was nothing wrong with the attack code, only with the presentation of the results. This means any traces you may have saved are perfectly valid, you can now re-run the attacks on them and you should get expected results.

Details: HW AES uses a different leakage model and it targets the last AES round, which means that a successful attack produces the expanded AES key for the 10th round. This information is used by the default Jupyter callback to display the PGE table as the attack unfolds and highlight the correct key bytes. In the move to CW5, this got broken, and the results table was showing PGE for the unexpanded AES key.

Most of the example attacks in our tutorials weren’t affected by this since they target the unexpanded AES key.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I hope you can now fully enjoy CW5!

Excellent, thank you for letting me know, I’m glad you were able to fix this. I will check it out soon.

By the way, everything seems to be working well now, thank you!


great, thanks for confirming!