Help needed with CW304 Notduino Target

Hi All,

I’m trying to perform clock/Vcc glitching on the CW304. I’ve compiled glitchsimple.c running the glitch_infinite( ) function and have attempted to program it via the CWLite AVR Programmer. While it appears to have completed programming successfully, the serial terminal return from the CW304 implies otherwise, i.e. I didn’t see stuff like
40000 200 200 0
40000 200 200 1
40000 200 200 2
40000 200 200 3
40000 200 200 4
40000 200 200 5
40000 200 200 6
40000 200 200 7 (see below).

Some additional information
System clock is 7.37 MHz.
Baud rate is 38400
Tried writing the LOW fuse to D0 as suggested here CW-Lite Notduino troubleshooting - #4 by microcontroller - ChipWhisperer Hardware - NewAE Forum

Any idea what I might have missed out?


Hi Melvin,

Have you also tried writing the low fuse byte as F0 instead of D0?


Hi Alex,

I’ve tried F0, but to no avail (see below)

Any other suggestions?


Hi Melvin,

Have you run the Notduino seutp script instead of the XMega one? I believe the Notduino has reversed serial pins compared to the XMega.


Hi Alex,

I think I missed that. They looked pretty similar given the small font of the GUI. Hahaha.
It works now =)


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