Tutorial B1 connecting problem

Hello, I am trying to complete the B5 tutorial (my first tutorial).
When I try to run connect_cwlite_simpleserial, it does not seem to work. I did this by opening CWCapture and clicking Run after selecting this script. I am using Ubuntu, and Chipwhisperer CW1200, and CW308 UFO board.

This is my output:

INFO:Script /home/andrewyuan/Documents/chipwhisperer/software/chipwhisperer/capture/scripts/connect_cwlite_simpleserial.py is being executed
INFO:Found ChipWhisperer-CW1200, Serial Number = 4420312043304a383130313235323035
INFO:SAM3U Firmware version = 1.0 b0
INFO:Detected ChipWhisperer with USB ID ace3 - switching firmware loader
INFO:FPGA programmed
INFO:OpenADC Found, Connecting
ERROR:Value -92 out of limits ((0, 1000000.0)) in parameter “Baud”
INFO:Script /home/andrewyuan/Documents/chipwhisperer/software/chipwhisperer/capture/scripts/connect_cwlite_simpleserial.py has finished executing
INFO:Execution time: 0:00:06.392956

Also, when I try to run the script again, the Python console outputs:

raise Warning(‘Could not connect to “%s”. It may have been disconnected, is in an error state, or is being used by another tool.’ % self.getName())

Warning: Could not connect to "NewAE USB (CWLite/CW1200)". It may have been disconnected, is in an error state, or is being used by another tool.

Also, could someone explain how to run the example scripts, as it currently says Project -> Where did Example Scripts go?

Any help would be appreciated!

Hi Andrew

You should be able to ignore that error as explained here: Serial buffer issues
