Warning 'no AES module found' when runnig CWCapture

when running " chipwhisperer-4.0.2\software>python CWCapture.pyw" I get those warnings:
INFO:Dictionary contains zero modules
INFO:Dictionary contains zero modules
INFO:Dictionary contains zero modules
WARNING:T-test inputs: no AES module found. Using pseudorandom plaintexts instead
QWidget::setWindowModified: The window title does not contain a ‘[*]’ placeholder

Does it mean that something wouldn’t work properly and I need to install something? (so far I ran the cpa aes attack via gui which seemed to work)


It’s OK, it’s only an informational message (if you follow the code in tvlattest.py you’ll see it does something else if the AES module isn’t available). You can get rid of the warning by installing pycryptodome, or updating to the latest ChipWhisperer release :slight_smile:
