Boot CW310 from SPI flash

Hi all!
I got recently a CW310 with the K160T and without decoupling caps for sca.
I manage to program the fpga with a jtag cable without issues but I want to be able to load the .bin from the spi-flash chip included in the board. In U3 there is a Micron MT25QL256ABA1EW9-0SIT that I guess I should be able to use for this.
In vivado I can program this flash and read it back. But when I power cycle the board, the binary is not loaded in the fpga. I checked that M0M1M2 switches are in the proper position.
On the other hand, vivado has the option “Boot from configuration memory device” and that works, but what I want is the fpga to reprogram from the spi flash automatically when in clase of a voltage glitch, it losses power and gets erased.


Looks like problem was to have the jtag server open in vivado, that stops the automatic spi-config.

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