I am using the STM32F1 ufo target. For testing purposes, I have to increase the frequency of STM target board from 7.3728Mhz to 72Mhz. I have seen this post:
According to the datasheet, the STM32F1 is limited to 24MHz: https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/stm32f100cb.pdf. How to actually do this on chips that support it varies, since you’ll usually have to interact with the PLL to get up to that high of a frequency, and different chips have different PLL layouts.
even if I wanted to raise the frequency to 24MHz I tried the following code
scope.clock.clkgen_freq = 24E6
the clock has raised but the acquisition does not work at all. I am getting the following error
WARNING:ChipWhisperer Scope:Timeout in OpenADC capture(), no trigger seen! Trigger forced, data is invalid. Status: 0b
WARNING:ChipWhisperer Scope:Timeout in OpenADC capture(), no trigger seen! Trigger forced, data is invalid. Status: 0a