Change Sbox_output?

I am trying to do a CPA attack on ASCON
I’ve found an implementation on this git and so far I have my Jupyter project that can take the traces and save them in a project (like in course 5_1 of SCA101)
When I try the next step (the attack in itself), I run into a lot of problems :

I think they are caused by the sbox_output that I haven’t changed to be the output of ASCON. But I don’t know how to change it, or even if this is exactly the problem I am facing.
Hope you can help


It looks like the issue you’re running into is that PT isn’t the right size for use with analyzer. In this case,
it should be a 16 item long list, but it looks like yours fails on index 4. Do you have a 4x4 list instead?