ChipShouter Error 33U51A

my chipshouter is not responding to UART anymore.

I just get the code 33U51A print every second.
I assume the firmware is corrupted. How can I recover the firmware?


Hi Nils,

The 33U51A is the BOARDID, it is printed as it would tell the firmware update tool which BOARDID is in use. It’s just a random 6 character string assigned to each chipshouter.

The firmware files are unique per device for various reasons (primarily, to allow per-device tweaking if needed in the future).

I sent you the .fup file. Right now you need to do this quasi-manually:

  1. Clone (which I just updated for Python3 on download tool), and run install or develop.

  2. Unzip your xxxxxxx.fup file (change the extension to .zip if needed). Inside of that, you will use the file out.bin to perform the firmware download. Extract out.bin somewhere.

  3. From ChipSHOUTER-Python\scripts run python --download out.bin comname, where comname is COM8, \dev\ttyUSB0 etc.

c:\dev\ChipSHOUTER-python\scripts>python --download out.bin COM8
Connected successful
Sending: out.bin
Sending reset for download .... [0]
Sending reset for download .... [1]
Downloading: 100%|##############################################################################################################| 184/184 [00:10<00:00, 17.97it/s]

You can use sendfile instead of download and it will keep a console open that you can confirm things worked.

Let me know if this gives errors - or if it downloads but still has the same problem.



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Everything worked out of the box… Thanks a lot