I’m having trouble installing chipwhisperer on the mac m1 and connect to the chipwhisperer nano
I followed the tutorial on this, but I’m having problems setting up the follows.
sudo cp hardware/50-newae.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/50-newae.rules
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
mac m1 doesn’t have the udev folder, and I skip this step and complete others.
But my USB device light stays off and the ERROR light stays on!
The ERROR light being on here is pretty strange, as that LED is only briefly turned on during the startup of the device (at least on older firmware). Your best bet might be to reprogram via shorting the erase pads on the back while the device is plugged in, then unplug/replug. You can then reprogram via instructions at Updating Firmware — ChipWhisperer 5.7.0 documentation