Chipwhisperer-Husky FIFO is empty


I’m trying to collect waveforms using a chipwhisperer Husky and a chipshiserer cw308 UFO board(STM32F303)

, but I’m getting the ‘FiFO is empty’ issue.

I referred to GitHub - newaetech/tracewhisperer and,

If using SWO, three pins must be connected:

  • SWDIO/TMS to D0 pin
  • SWCLK/TCLK to D1 pin
  • SWO/TDO to D2 pin

and uploaded the HEX file targeting AES, and executed the code below.

When sending 16byte plain text to target.simpleserial_write(‘p’, text) and getting the value with r = target.simpleserial_read(‘r’, 16),

we see that it outputs the value without any problem, but when we use

raw = scope.trace.read_capture_data()

we see that

assert self.fifo_empty() == False, ‘FIFO is empty’
AssertionError: FIFO is empty


I wonder if there is a problem with the pin connections and how to fix it.

Which notebook are you running? Are there any errors or warnings prior to this one? More context is needed to diagnose the problem.
The SWO ↔ Dx jumpers are only needed if using TraceWhisperer.