I’m using CW Lite.
I’m setting timeout 6 seconds.
As I read in manual scope.capture() must block at least 6 seconds if it returns True
But actually I have it returned with True and even 1 second is not expired.
How that can be?
Many Thanks.
fw_version =
major = 0
minor = 65
debug = 0
gain =
mode = high
gain = 30
db = 24.8359375
adc =
state = True
basic_mode = rising_edge
timeout = 6
offset = 0
presamples = 0
samples = 5000
decimate = 1
trig_count = 4228775385
fifo_fill_mode = normal
clock =
adc_src = clkgen_x4
adc_phase = 0
adc_freq = 338557937
adc_rate = 338557937.0
adc_locked = True
freq_ctr = 0
freq_ctr_src = extclk
clkgen_src = system
extclk_freq = 10000000
clkgen_mul = 25
clkgen_div = 24
clkgen_freq = 100000000.0
clkgen_locked = True
trigger =
triggers = tio4
module = basic
io =
tio1 = serial_rx
tio2 = serial_tx
tio3 = high_z
tio4 = high_z
pdid = high_z
pdic = high_z
nrst = high
glitch_hp = True
glitch_lp = True
extclk_src = hs1
hs2 = clkgen
target_pwr = True
tio_states = (1, 1, 0, 1)
cdc_settings = bytearray(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')
glitch =
clk_src = clkgen
width = 10.15625
width_fine = 0
offset = 10.15625
offset_fine = 0
trigger_src = ext_single
arm_timing = no_glitch
ext_offset = 0
repeat = 1
output = glitch_only
Adctimeout = 6
Timeout 0.5s...
Trig_count = 131978769
(ChipWhisperer Scope WARNING|File _OpenADCInterface.py:935) Trigger not found in ADC data. No data reported!
(ChipWhisperer Scope ERROR|File OpenADC.py:828) Received fewer points than expected: 0 vs 5000