Hello there!
My CW1173 ChipWhisperer-Lite keeps disconnecting every now and then while I’m trying to run labs. When I replug it, it works just fine, but after a few seconds, it just disconnects. I guess any solution would ease this thing a little bit.
My USB Controller is set to USB3.1. I opened a new Jupyter kernel and connected my scope, and it seems that it doesn’t disconnect when it’s not connected to a target!! The ‘D7’ is constantly red. UART ‘D9’ is beeping blue, and ‘D1’ is beeping yellow.
This isn’t likely to be related to the problem here; I was suggesting trying different physical USB ports. If the same USB port is powering CW-Lite and a target (and I think you’ve posted about non-CW targets before), there could be some issue around current draw. So, CW-lite only, no target, no other USB devices, trying different USB ports to see if one is able to maintain CW connected.
LED states is pretty normal; D7 on means that the ADC clock isn’t locked – what does scope.clock say?
So – if it’s stable without a target, what’s the target that was connected?