I am using CW1200 pro kit and getting ack error, kindly help me out!
I am trying following code:
here is code:
Perform the capture, resulting in trace_array and textin_array of 2500 traces.
#raise NotImplementedError(“Add your code here, and delete this.”)
from tqdm.notebook import trange
from chipwhisperer.capture.acq_patterns.basic import AcqKeyTextPattern_Basic
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
target = cw.target(scope) #cw.targets.SimpleSerial can be omitted
ktp = AcqKeyTextPattern_Basic()
N = 50 # Number of traces
traces =
for i in trange(N, desc=‘Capturing traces’):
key, text = ktp.next() # manual creation of a key, text pair can be substituted here
trace = cw.capture_trace(scope, target, text, key)
if trace is None:
#Convert traces to numpy arrays
trace_array = np.asarray([trace.wave for trace in traces])
textin_array = np.asarray([trace.textin for trace in traces])
known_keys = np.asarray([trace.key for trace in traces]) # for fixed key, these keys are all the same
assert(len(trace_array) == 2500)
print(“ OK to continue!”)
Capturing traces: 0%
0/50 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
(ChipWhisperer Target ERROR|File SimpleSerial.py:321) Ack error:
Warning Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_10180\1804717099.py in
18 key, text = ktp.next() # manual creation of a key, text pair can be substituted here
—> 20 trace = cw.capture_trace(scope, target, text, key)
21 if trace is None:
22 continue
c:\chipwhisperer\software\chipwhisperer_init_.py in capture_trace(scope, target, plaintext, key, ack, poll_done, as_int, always_send_key)
485 if key:
→ 486 target.set_key(key, ack=ack, always_send=always_send_key)
488 scope.arm()
c:\chipwhisperer\software\chipwhisperer\capture\targets\SimpleSerial.py in set_key(self, key, ack, timeout, always_send)
552 if ack:
553 if self.simpleserial_wait_ack(timeout) is None:
→ 554 raise Warning(“Device failed to ack”)
555 else:
556 target_logger.debug(“Key unchanged, skipping send”)
Warning: Device failed to ack