CW1200 Display UI Bug

Hello Everyone.

I have a Chipwhisperer Pro CW1200.
I noticed that changing the value of scope.glitch.offset_fine results in a change in the value labelled Glitch Width Fine. Is this just a misrepresentation or a mismatch in the HAL of the CW1200?


Hi Melvin,

This might be related to At one point, it seems like these values were swapped on the PC side of things. It could be that they’re reversed in the display code as well (or that the readback was actually correct, but the write was reversed).


Hi Alex,

So if I want to use a glitch offset fine value of 50, should I still assign do scope.glitch.offset_fine=50?
Or scope.glitch.offset_width=50? This bug exists in both V4 and V5.


Hi Melvin,

I believe that the values are the correct way around in the software and swapped on the Pro’s display.
