hello, I need a help please, I have an emergency , i am using cw305 , after the execution of a script python :
FPGA successfully programmed.
Starting to program…
and i waited 1 hour and it still the same thing ?
anyone can help me please?
hello, I need a help please, I have an emergency , i am using cw305 , after the execution of a script python :
FPGA successfully programmed.
Starting to program…
and i waited 1 hour and it still the same thing ?
anyone can help me please?
Programming the CW305 FPGA should only take a few seconds so this is definitely not normal. However you’ll have to provide more details: what notebook are you running? Were you able to run our CW305 AES demo notebook successfully?
thank’s for you response, I’am using pulpino riscv, implemented on cw305 , and i create a simple c code , to execute it, i used a python code to load the RAM(contains the compiled c code) and the bitstream,…
this is the python code ,
from connection import PulpinoConnection
RAM = [
# …
bitpath = “path/to/bitstream.bit”
pulpino = PulpinoConnection(bitpath, force = True)
if not pulpino.get_raw().fpga.isFPGAProgrammed():
print(“ERR: FPGA failed to program”)
pulpino.program(0x0, RAM)
I’m not too familiar with Pulpino, but if that’s the code you ran, you almost certainly need to replace “path/to/bitstream.bit” with the location of your actual bitstream.
I recommend that you first run our CW305 AES demo notebook to rule out any issues with your setup.
Finally, note that we have several soft-core examples for the CW305 here.