CW308T-STM32F vs Artery AT32F435

I have a few of these chips that i am doing some glitching on, but have mounted some chips with firmware on the stm32f blank board, the pin outs are very close to the STM32F2/F4 described in the link above. I do have a question and it more of a newb question for sure. Since i am adding a different target similar chip layout in terms of vss pings with exception of ph2(pin 31) and ph3(pin47) which are not vss on these qfp64 packages I did. Do you in your pro opinion think i need the decoupling capacitors c9,c1,c2,c3,c4 and r2 resistor? if i took some lcr measurements for them but is there specific versions i should use? Thank you! so does my chipwhisperer lite and husky.

I’d recommend including all of those components and using ceramic caps with the same package and value. We haven’t done any testing on this chip, so I can’t offer too much support if things don’t work.

oh i wouldn’t ask for anything other than what you gave me. i have this also in a socket and breakout board so i know it works well that way - you know with a bunch of wires and magnet wire headed into a board with wires headed into chipwhisperer :wink: I was just buying a bunch of the test board and felt, if anything i could probably figure a way around some of the design since the chips are very very close - the product lines themselves are very very close…