Hi all,
I’m trying to get a simple glitch setup working using the CWNANO and the “SOLN_Fault 2_1B - Introduction to Voltage Glitching with CWNano.ipynb” notebook. The setup seems fine, however i can only cause the built-in target to reset, even with repeat = 1. I checked the timing using an oscilloscope and the voltage drop is way to long: ~150ns. I would expect it to be somewhere around 9ns.
I’m on the current CW firmware (0.62).
scope.io.clkout = 7.5e6
scope.glitch.repeat = 1
scope.glitch.ext_offset = 0
target.simpleserial_write("g", bytearray([]))
c = scope.capture()
val = target.simpleserial_read_witherrors('r', 4, glitch_timeout=10) #For loop check
valid = val['valid']
if valid:
response = val['payload']
raw_serial = val['full_response']
error_code = val['rv']
The result is always:
{'valid': False, 'payload': None, 'full_response': '\x00RESET \n', 'rv': None}
Here is a screenshot of the glitch:
Can somebody help?
Thanks in advance
– fm