I was trying to connect cw305 target board to the cw1200 capture box, I tried these codes " prog = cw.SAMFWLoader(scope)
prog.enter_bootloader(True) "
and the device shut down, and I cannot start again. Although the capture box is powered on, the screen does not open. In the computer’s device manager I see chipwhisperer 305 instead of cw1200. please help.
First, try this:
Make sure you have no other ChipWhisperer devices connected, only the cw1200.
If this doesn’t work, you will have to open the cw1200 case to short the erase pins, as described here:
and then try programming the firmware again.
Manually_reboot_cw1200_mehmet_20.zip (551.5 KB)
I hope this helps to other users.