Experimenting with Clock Glitching CW Lite

Hi, I’m really mess with this I connect to my DUT (Infineon) clock input, the main idea is generate 16Mhz for running the DUT, for now it works, now I want to generate glitches on this clock to find a configuration that works for this DUT. But the glitches do not appear.

The green line is a trigger generated by CW Lite to an external scope, as you can see there’s no glitches in the middle of the high state of the signal.
Here is my code:
import chipwhisperer as cw
import time

Basic setup

scope = cw.scope()
scope.glitch.clk_src = ‘clkgen’ # Use clock generator as source
scope.clock.clkgen_freq = 16E6 # Set frequency to 16MHz
scope.io.hs2 = “clkgen” # Output clock signal on HS2 pin
scope.io.tio4 = “gpio_low” # Start with TIO4 low
scope.io.glitch_hp = False # Turn off glitch high-power output
scope.io.glitch_lp = False # Turn off glitch low-power output

Configure glitch parameters

scope.glitch.width = 25 # Width for 31.2ns duration
scope.glitch.offset = 25 # Offset for 31.25ns delay
scope.glitch.trigger_src = ‘ext_single’ # Use single trigger mode
scope.glitch.output = “clock_xor” # XOR clock with glitch
scope.glitch.repeat = 8 # Single glitch per trigger

def perform_delayed_glitch(delay_s=15, duration_ms=5):
“”“Wait specified seconds, then perform continuous glitches for duration”“”
print(f"16MHz clock running. Waiting {delay_s} seconds before glitching…")
time.sleep(delay_s) # Wait before starting glitches

print(f"Starting continuous glitch sequence for {duration_ms}ms...")

# Use precise timing for TIO4 control
start_time = time.perf_counter()
scope.io.tio4 = "gpio_high"           # Set trigger high
scope.arm()                           # Arm once for continuous glitching

# Active wait for precise timing
while (time.perf_counter() - start_time) < (duration_ms / 1000.0):

scope.io.tio4 = "gpio_low"            # Stop triggering immediately
print("Glitch sequence completed")

Execute delayed glitch sequence

perform_delayed_glitch(15, 5) # 15s delay, then 5ms of glitches
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error during glitch sequence: {e}")
scope.dis() # Disconnect scope
_________________________________________ END OF CODE
Acctually with the 16Mhz clock DUT works at 100%
The signal in the image is at output from the CW Lite, but I connect a Clock Buffer between CW Lite and the DUT for a smooth signal, that makes the DUT works.

The intention is generate a continuos glitch by 5 ms, but I don’t know how to stop the glitch without stop the 16mhz…

Please advice

Your issue is probably that you’re outputting "clkgen" on HS2. You need to change this to "glitch" to connect the glitch module to the clock output.

Hi, thanks for your interest on my issue.
I change the line to : scope.io.hs2 = “glitch”
That sounds logic :slight_smile:
But, the same result on the external scope.

Best Regards,

Ah your trigger code doesn’t look correct here either. The trigger for the glitch works the same as a rising edge trigger on an oscilloscope - you’re arming the glitch (scope.arm()), then doing your trigger event (scope.io.tio4 = "gpio_high") in perform_delayed_glitch, which is backwards from how you want it. You also need to call scope.capture() after you set your GPIO high to disarm the ChipWhisperer properly.

I think an easier way to do what you want is to simply use the continuous trigger source. Try this version of perform_delayed_glitch():

def perform_delayed_glitch(delay_s=15, duration_ms=5):
    """Wait specified seconds, then perform continuous glitches for duration"""
    print(f"16MHz clock running. Waiting {delay_s} seconds before glitching…")
    time.sleep(delay_s) # Wait before starting glitches
    print(f"Starting continuous glitch sequence for {duration_ms}ms...")

    # Use precise timing for TIO4 control
    start_time = time.perf_counter()
    scope.glitch.trigger_src = "continuous" #insert glitch on every clock cycle

    # Active wait for precise timing
    while (time.perf_counter() - start_time) < (duration_ms / 1000.0):

    scope.glitch.trigger_src = "ext_single" #stop inserting glitches

    print("Glitch sequence completed")
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You’ve been glitched :metal:

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi, I change the code using using:
scope.glitch.trigger_src = ‘ext_single’ # Use single trigger mode
scope.glitch.output = “clock_xor” # XOR clock with glitch
scope.glitch.repeat = 8192

And then:

For testing with smaller periods of attack, but I observe a difference, with ‘ext_single’ the glitch in on each period and with ‘continuos’ one period with glitch and period without glitch, and so on.

I attach image with ‘ext_single’, previously is the image for continuous mode. my question is this normal?

Best Regards,