Hi, I’m really mess with this I connect to my DUT (Infineon) clock input, the main idea is generate 16Mhz for running the DUT, for now it works, now I want to generate glitches on this clock to find a configuration that works for this DUT. But the glitches do not appear.
The green line is a trigger generated by CW Lite to an external scope, as you can see there’s no glitches in the middle of the high state of the signal.
Here is my code:
import chipwhisperer as cw
import time
Basic setup
scope = cw.scope()
scope.glitch.clk_src = ‘clkgen’ # Use clock generator as source
scope.clock.clkgen_freq = 16E6 # Set frequency to 16MHz
scope.io.hs2 = “clkgen” # Output clock signal on HS2 pin
scope.io.tio4 = “gpio_low” # Start with TIO4 low
scope.io.glitch_hp = False # Turn off glitch high-power output
scope.io.glitch_lp = False # Turn off glitch low-power output
Configure glitch parameters
scope.glitch.width = 25 # Width for 31.2ns duration
scope.glitch.offset = 25 # Offset for 31.25ns delay
scope.glitch.trigger_src = ‘ext_single’ # Use single trigger mode
scope.glitch.output = “clock_xor” # XOR clock with glitch
scope.glitch.repeat = 8 # Single glitch per trigger
def perform_delayed_glitch(delay_s=15, duration_ms=5):
“”“Wait specified seconds, then perform continuous glitches for duration”“”
print(f"16MHz clock running. Waiting {delay_s} seconds before glitching…")
time.sleep(delay_s) # Wait before starting glitches
print(f"Starting continuous glitch sequence for {duration_ms}ms...")
# Use precise timing for TIO4 control
start_time = time.perf_counter()
scope.io.tio4 = "gpio_high" # Set trigger high
scope.arm() # Arm once for continuous glitching
# Active wait for precise timing
while (time.perf_counter() - start_time) < (duration_ms / 1000.0):
scope.io.tio4 = "gpio_low" # Stop triggering immediately
print("Glitch sequence completed")
Execute delayed glitch sequence
perform_delayed_glitch(15, 5) # 15s delay, then 5ms of glitches
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error during glitch sequence: {e}")
scope.dis() # Disconnect scope
_________________________________________ END OF CODE
Acctually with the 16Mhz clock DUT works at 100%
The signal in the image is at output from the CW Lite, but I connect a Clock Buffer between CW Lite and the DUT for a smooth signal, that makes the DUT works.
The intention is generate a continuos glitch by 5 ms, but I don’t know how to stop the glitch without stop the 16mhz…
Please advice