Hello, I am new in this topic
can someone check if the script is correct
whether the ext_offset fault will properly arm after the reset
nrst and tio4 connected together to reset
will it count correctly after tio4?
The oscilloscope shows correctly
It wants to attack different lengths and offsets
#Initial Setup
#scope.adc.offset = 0
scope.clock.adc_src = "clkgen_x1"
scope.trigger.triggers = "tio4"
scope.io.glitch_hp = True
scope.io.hs2 = None
#scope.glitch.width = 40
scope.adc.basic_mode = "rising_edge"
scope.clock.clkgen_freq = 80E6 * freq_multiplier
scope.glitch.clk_src = "clkgen"
scope.glitch.trigger_src = "ext_single"
scope.glitch.output = "enable_only"
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
Range = namedtuple("Range", ["min", "max", "step"])
offset_range = Range(79431*freq_multiplier, 79985*freq_multiplier, 1)
repeat_range = Range(126*freq_multiplier, 146*freq_multiplier, 1)
scope.glitch.repeat = repeat_range.min
import time
print("Attempting to glitch LPC Target")
scope.io.target_pwr = False
scope.io.target_pwr = True
done = False
while done == False:
scope.glitch.ext_offset = offset_range.min
if scope.glitch.repeat >= repeat_range.max:
scope.glitch.repeat = repeat_range.min
while scope.glitch.ext_offset < offset_range.max:
scope.io.nrst = 'low'
scope.io.nrst = 'high'
print("Glitch offset %4d, width %d.."%(scope.glitch.ext_offset, scope.glitch.repeat), end="")
scope.glitch.ext_offset += offset_range.step
scope.glitch.repeat += repeat_range.step