Few techincall questions about chipshouter and cw husky

hello everybody i have few questions about new NEWAE products

  1. does chipwhisperer-husky will have at last spi uart i2c fpga triggering functionality ?

uart triggering can be added to atmel because rs232 protocoll is slow but some duts uses high speed spi communication 64 - 128mhz and for this case need to use fast fpga gpio ports (for triggering)

  1. why do you using a fast capacitor charger in chipshouter to generate electromagnetic faults ? , is not enough to use high voltage dc-dc step up/down converter for this case ? :slight_smile:

  2. does the chipshouter is using advanced waveform extensions in atxmega to generate pattern pulses ? what i mean exactly is this:

The programmable pulse generator can be used to generate complex patterns, including multiple pulses and delays. It also provides a much shorter time resolution than the basic pulse generator.

also that part is quite interessting:

Programmable pattern generator
Pulse width resolution (time-steps)
Time-steps per pulse
Total pulse width
Pulse output state per time-steps
Pulse width jitter
tested pulse width of 80nS
pS std-dev

20.83ns < so is possibly to achieve over 20ns (50mhz) pulse trought xmega gpio port by using advanced waveform extensions ? lol

  1. do you have for sale standalone 1mm and 4mm injection tips ?


I don’t think we’ve made a decision on that yet in terms of development time/whether or not it will fit in the FPGA, so the answer right now is maybe.

That being said, the FPGA code will be open source, so it’s possible someone will implement this themselves. I believe this happened with the PhyWhisperer - someone implemented a UART decoder for that.

It’s my understanding that flyback dc/dc converters are better suited to high conversion ratio applications because they can rely on the ratio of the transformer to boost the voltage higher, rather than needing to operate at a very high duty cycle.

To do the programmable pulse, we overclock + generate cpu instructions to toggle the pulse.

I don’t believe we do. Sorry.


ok thanks for answer about my questions :slight_smile:

i found some notes in internet about phywhisperer:


on CWLite the triggers are usually set in the target. But in the real world you have no control over the target, so having the ability to set the trigger right after a UART communication can be very useful. In this way glitches could also be controlled based on UART transmissions making some attacks much easier.



uart isnt reall problem because is slow and can be managed by almost any cpu , there is another problem with high speed spi flash
some of them running at 100 - 150mhz bus speed and if someone wants to trigger when cpu is reading or writing data to spi flash must develope fpga spi triggering functionallity