Glitch STi7111(sh4)

Hello everyone, is possible to use ChipWhisperer-Lite, for glitch in this STi7111 board, on uart port or jtag?
I know the pinout of both


The ChipWhisperer-Lite supports both Vcc and clock glitch, so in theory it’s able to glitch most targets. Keep in mind that the Lite only has a basic trigger (just rising/falling edge) and a max clock frequency of 300MHz, so if you need a complicated trigger setup or your target is running at a high frequency, the CWLite might not meet your needs.


sti need to find in vdd core 1.2vdc regulator and jump in vdd-sense

you can open uart STi7111


Do you try to open the Uboot console on the STB?

yes tried but its only passive log

used that codes for sti 7111