How can I hw trigger mode of the chipshouter using an MCU? I have tried and I keep getting faults.
Typically faults with the hardware trigger is because your trigger pin is active (either high or low, depending on CS settings) before you arm. Do you know what faults you’re getting?
That is another issue I am having, cs.faults() command doesn’t return the list of faults, Even though the fault LED is on on the device.
Can you post your chipshouter settings? Also, are you able to use the ChipShouter outside of using the hardware trigger?
Yes I am able to use it outside of the HW trigger, when you say Chipshouter settings what exactly are you looking for?
Just printing the chipshouter object should do. Also, could you tell me more about your trigger? What voltage is it and what is the logic level when you’re trying to arm?
Do you have a voltmeter to confirm that your microcontroller is actually pulling the GPIO line high?
BTW you can see the faults causing you issue: 'fault_trigger_error
’ and 'fault_trigger_glitch'
. These are latched, meaning you won’t be able to arm the ChipShouter until you clear them. Try using cs.clr_armed = True
to arm the ChipShouter.
Yes I do have a voltmeter to confirm the signal. I think my problem could be the amount of time the hardware trigger is pulsing the chipshouter, is there a way I can restrict the time of pulsing when using a HW trigger?
How long is your trigger event? If it’s very long, that could be causing your issue. There isn’t too much between the hardware trigger and the gate driver, so if you just set the GPIO high and leave it there, that might be causing the fault.
Yes I think that’s what it is, how do I automatically control the HW trigger duration?
That’s controlled by your microcontroller. You’ll need to modify your trigger code to inject a pulse. If you’ve got a ChipWhisperer lying around, you can also use that instead.