Hi everyone,
I just got my hands on a Husky with the CW313 board and th SAM4S target board. Unfortunately I have some problems to get it running. And it is very similar to previous posts (1 2 3)
Any help is very much appreciated
What I did:
- I downloaded the Windows chip whisperer installer (v5.7.0) and run it successfully.
- The Status LED on the husky is slowly blinking which should indicate that there is no usb problem from the husky side.
- I checked the drivers and they are correct according to this site. The device manager shows only one usb husky device.
- I use the jupyter notebook that comes from the installer for my python scripts.
- This is my code
import chipwhisperer as cw
%run "../jupyter/Setup_Scripts/Setup_Generic.ipynb"
scope = cw.scope()
- This is the error when executing cw.scope()
OSError: Unable to communicate with found ChipWhisperer. Check that
another process isn't connected to it and that you have permission to communicate with it.
I also followed the steps from other forum posts to uninstall and re-install the drivers just to make sure I tried this before writing this post, but it was also not successful.
Here seems to be a post about changing a “rules” file, but the link to the rules file in the post is not accessable anymore (and probably also for Linux as far as I see).
Cheers and thanks for reading so far