Problem with chipshouter

Hello, I have some problems with my chipshouter when I use a chipwhipser to trigger the chipshouter.
I use the hardware trigger in the shouter.
To show you the problem, I made a simple loop like this one with small delay:

for x in range(10000):

but after a few hundred loops, the chipshouter fails.
If i read the faults, i have this fault :

['fault_trigger_glitch', 'fault_temp_sensor']

I did another test like this one (i read every loop if the error are present, it already slows down the loop) :

for x in range(10000):
    if (cs.faults_current != []):

and after some loop the chipshouter reset! :

Reset_Exception                           Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-35-796435fac287> in <module>
      4     scope.glitch.manual_trigger()
      5     time.sleep(0.01)
----> 6     if (cs.faults_current != []):
      7         print(cs.faults_current)
      8         print(cs.faults_latched)

~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/chipshouter/ in faults_current(self)
    496         """
--> 497         return self.com_api.get_faults_current()
    499     @faults_current.setter

~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/chipshouter/ in get_faults_current(self)
   1210         :returns (list): List of fault names that exist currently
   1211         """
-> 1212         request = self.get_option_from_shouter([t_16_Bit_Options.FAULT_ACTIVE], BP_TOOL.REQUEST_16)
   1213         return self.__get_faults_list(self.config_16.faults_current)

~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/chipshouter/ in get_option_from_shouter(self, options, req_type)
   1053         val = self.build_request(options, req_type)
-> 1054         r   = self.interact_with_shouter(val)
   1055         self.parse_protocol(r)

~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/chipshouter/ in interact_with_shouter(self, data)
   1026         packet.extend(data)
-> 1028         rval = self.__send_with_retries(data)
   1029         return rval

~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/chipshouter/ in __send_with_retries(self, data, retries)
    997             retries -= 1
    998             self.s_write(data)
--> 999             r = self.s_read()
   1001             if len(r) == 0:

~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/chipshouter/ in s_read(self, timeout)
    137             # End logging
    138             if Connection.START_UP_STRING in data:
--> 139                 raise Reset_Exception('Shouter has reset')
    141             if start < 0 or end < 0 or end < start:

Reset_Exception: Shouter has reset

I tried to integrate a triggerstate and to modify absent_temp but it does not change anything.
I have the fw 2.0.1
I found a temporary solution by setting large delays (500ms) and handling exceptions but this slows down the loops a lot!
Is it possible to have a solution or a way to write your own firmware?
Thank you.


We’ve got firmware in progress that should fix the reset issue at least. We’re currently working remote due to COVID, but I should be able to pop in and build that version for you if you DM be your board ID.


hello Alex, thank you for your answer, i send my boardid in pm.

today I still haven’t received the firmware, is this normal?

Personally, I’m starting to lose patience.
I summarize the situation of my problem.
At first I wrote directly to the support 28 days ago but I did not receive any answer. I also wrote a private message to an admin … no answer.
I then wrote on the forum 21 days ago. 10 days later I received a reply offering me a new firmware but since then … no more replies and no new firmware!
I sent other private messages and emails to the support but still … no answer.

At the time I found the chipwhipser support nice and fast but today for the chipshouter I have the impression that nobody cares and can’t solve the problem!
The firmware contains several bugs and I don’t find this normal for a product with more than 3000$, it looks like a toy firmware. I even wonder if the chipshouter wouldn’t glitched itself.

Now I have another question: is it possible to send its own firmware using the original bootloader (the bootloader requires an encrypted and probably signed file but is there a bypass for that). Otherwise I could use the pdi port directly but I have to open the case and probably lose the original bootloader.

thank you for the answer in the future!

Summary of this issue:

The ChipSHOUTER has an internal temperature sensor that it periodically reads to ensure different parts of the internals aren’t getting too hot. Due to the strong EM fields present during glitching, attempting a read of this sensor while an EM pulse is being generated can cause the sensor to corrupt and return invalid temperatures which persists until the device is power cycled.

It is possible to trigger an EM pulse without the microcontroller immediately knowing using the hardware trigger. As such, the ChipSHOUTER API includes the cs.trigger_safe property which forces a temperature read and disables automatic temperature reads for cs.absent_temp seconds.

This user was sent updated firmware which fixed cs.trigger_safe over DM, but I had forgotten to update this thread as well with the resolution. Firmware can be updated as indicated in this markdown file: ChipSHOUTER/documentation/Firmware at master · newaetech/ChipSHOUTER · GitHub