Hi, I wanna test AES-256 RSM implementation of DPAV4.1 on chipwhisperer software with OpenADC, I’ve programed the latest bitstream version(chipwhisperer-0.08) to FPGA and loaded the "dpa.hex"and “eedata.hex” (downloaded from dpacontest.org/v4/rsm_doc.php)to the flash and eeprom of the ATMega163.
When I run the “SASEBO-W example” on chipwhisperer capture software, the ciphertext are all 0 and it seems that the ATR from SmartCard is not correct: 3B AA AA 0 40 20 44 50 41 56 34 13 7 9 2 3
The correct one should be: 3B AE 0 40 32 73 61 53 65 42 6F 32 30 31 31 30 38 33 31
The dubugging information:
No phase shift loaded
For address 0x10=16 Sent data: fdbf0400
Read data: fdbf0404
3B AA AA 0 40 20 44 50 41 56 34 13 7 9 2 3
3B AA AA 0 40 20 44 50 41 56 34 13 7 9 2 3
No phase shift loaded
No phase shift loaded
Then I found that there is another bitstream version provided from “http://www.dpacontest.org/v4/rsm_doc.php”
(CHIP_SASEBO_W_VCP_DPAV4.bit), I programmed it into the FPGA but this time the scope connection failed before one capture:
Timeout in read: 0
Timeout in read: 0
Timeout in read: 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\chipwhisperer\software\chipwhisperer\capture\ChipWhispererCapture.py”, line 678, in doConDisScope
File “c:\chipwhisperer\software\chipwhisperer\capture\scopes\OpenADC.py”, line 474, in con
File “c:\chipwhisperer\software\chipwhisperer\capture\scopes\OpenADC.py”, line 128, in con
File “c:\chipwhisperer\openadc\controlsw\python\openadc\qt.py”, line 234, in con
self.sc = openadc.OpenADCInterface(self.ser, self.console)
File “c:\chipwhisperer\openadc\controlsw\python\openadc\openadc.py”, line 759, in init
File “c:\chipwhisperer\openadc\controlsw\python\openadc\openadc.py”, line 887, in setReset
self.hwMaxSamples = self.maxSamples()
File “c:\chipwhisperer\openadc\controlsw\python\openadc\openadc.py”, line 917, in maxSamples
samples = samples | (temp[0] << 0)
TypeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘getitem’
Has anybody tested AES-256 RSM implementation of DPAV4.1 with ChipWhisperer software? Thanks for any info!