hello everyone i am new with chipwhisperer and i want to do a simple clock glitch attack for target cw308t_FE310 i install the tools from riscv chain i compile the code but when i have to program and initialize the target no response from the it can someone tell me what i can do?
won’t work with the FE310. You either need to use a third party JTAG programmer, or update to the latest ChipWhisperer and program it using MPSSE mode: CW308T-FE310 - NewAE Hardware Product Documentation.
hello Alexender can you tell me how exactly with the command make MPSSE mode .’ ubuntu ’ I am trying to do the configuration to debug the program but it is not working.
You need to run the command at CW308T-FE310 - NewAE Hardware Product Documentation ( chipwhisperer/openocd/run_openocd.sh -p /path/to/fw.elf husky jtag -- -f "fe310.cfg"
). This needs to be run from the command line. Based on the paths currently in that command, you’ll need to run it from outside the chipwhisperer directory (cd /path/to/chipwhisperer; cd ..
) and you’ll also need to fill in path/to/fw.elf
with the location of the binary that you want to upload.