Programming the K82F (CW312 Target)


Can the MK82F target (CW312 target board) be programmed directly via the CW Husky / CW313? The firmware appears to build correctly using CRYPTO_TARGET=‘HWAES’ and CRYPTO_OPTIONS=‘MMCAU’.

If a JTAG programmer is required, is there a recommended low-cost model that is known to work?


No, we don’t support programming the K82 directly from CW.
I’ve used a Segger J-Link, unfortunately I don’t have recommendations for cheaper options as I haven’t tried any. I suggest looking around NXP forums.

Hi! thanks for the reply but it would be super great if you give more information (do we need to put jumpers?) on how to program the CW312-K82F from the Husky CW313 with a J-Link.

On the CW313, connect your programmer to either J5 or HDR6, depending what cable it uses (GitHub - newaetech/chipwhisperer-target-cw313: CW313 ChipWhisperer Design Files)

Ok thanks I will try this setup :wink:

Can you clarify what the jumper settings should be on the CW313 board when programming the CW312_K82F target via JTAG (J5)? There’s a sticker on the target board that says “JTAG VREF NC JMPR ON CW313”, but I’m not sure what that’s referencing.

On the CW313, connect J-VREF to 3.3V.
Other jumpers as you wish (typically: JP1, left side of JP2, and JP4).