Running SOLN_LAB_3_3 with a Husky doesn't yield correct results

So SchV2 = HWREV 1.0 and SchV3 = HWREV1.1?

What is the difference between A/B/C?

I think B was introduced for the differently behaving MOSFET (same model and everything but different date code IIRC from CrowdSupply update).

Is it similar for C or did I get that wrong?

I have 1.0 and 1.1B so I am trying to test on my end and understand what is which schematic and how they differ :slight_smile:

Thanks @Alex_Dewar for sharing the traces. Indeed the plots look different, but I am not able to distinguish whether this is resulting from jitter, noise, or different gain.
I quickly checked the V2 and V3 schematics, but also here I haven’t been able to spot anything relevant other than the VCCPLL fix in V3, which shouldn’t make things worse for V3.

If it is not the settings, the schematics are the same and assuming that all your devices run on the same firmware, do we have to assume that the lower performance of the V3 units are resulting from differences in component selection or PCB design?

Not sure ATM what the different 1.1 codes are, will have to talk with Colin. My guess is that everything 1.1 is the rev 3 board and everything 1.0 is rev 2. If you try a simple CPA attack against TINYAES on the SAM4S, the rev 2 should work after ~30 traces while the rev 3 should be 60-70.

The current plan is to look more into this next week after CHES is over. Kind of hard to speculate on what the root cause is at this point.


I have tried the CPA attack in Lab 4_3 and Lab 5_1 with my V3 and both run successfully, but at a much higher trace count of about 120 to 130 traces (see below). Also here the adjustment of adc_phase does not change the result significantly.

I really appreciate your support!

EDIT: I have checked the calculate_snr function leading to the following results:
Max. SNR: 40.7715022133584
Min. SNR: -139.35504745677258
Avg. SNR: -39.56641947950609
Not sure how these are calculated and how reliable these are, but the results themselves are not ideal.

Any update regarding Husky?