I am using CW-Lite for capturing a trace, but with the default setting, the precision is not enough for me to get the information. I find that the max sampling rate of CW-Lite is 105MS/s and it relates to the scope.clock.clkgen_freq
. I want to know if I want to set the sampling rate to 100MS/s, using the clock sent from CW-Lite board, that means I need to change the rate of scope.clock.clkgen_freq
and target.baud
. I want to have more samples during my program.
However, I run the default setting of %run "Setup_Scripts/Setup_Generic.ipynb"
, the default target.baud = 230400, which corresponding scope.clock.clkgen_freq = 7384615.384615385
, which is different from 38400, but the program run well in this setting.