Hi, I am currently a specialised assignment for my masters degree this semester. And I am going to try to focus on the chipwhisperer. I want to try to do DPA and CPA on an external target. What are some things I should think about when selecting a target, I am currently looking into this board: https://no.rs-online.com/web/p/microcontroller-development-tools/1231052. However I was wondering if it was too powerful for the Chipwhisperer to handle. As far as I could see it has a clock speed of up to 300MHZ/s. Is this to fast for the chipwhisperer to handle. I am also planning on running the zephyr RTOS as the underlying OS for a more realistic situation. Any tips are welcome, since I am more of a software kind of guy, this is a bit out of my expertise.
It looks like the max clock frequency on that target is 216MHz. You might be able to attack that with a Husky either via overclocking the ADC a little bit, or playing around with the ADC phase.
You could also just run the target at a slower clock frequency.