Software update not possible

Hello and greetings from Germany,

I’m having trouble updating the software.

Unfortunately, I am not an operator of Nebuchadnezzar…

I always get the error message

%% bash
cd …
git pull
git checkout

Your branch is 786 commits behind origin/develop and can be forwarded quickly.
(use “git pull” to update your local branch)
fatal: ‘master’ does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from the remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

and in the second window

%% bash
git pull
git checkout

You are not currently on a branch.

Please indicate which branch you would like to merge with.
See git-pull(1) for details.

git pull <remote> <branch>

3 paths updated from the index

Could you please help me…

i find the topic of side channel analysis very interesting, that you should be a professional operator for experiments in this area, i find it less exciting and the realization is very frustrating

Have a nice day


In the first block, try changing pull git to git pull. For the second block, try changing it to:

git checkout master
git pull


Hi, thanks for the reply.

I swapped “git pull” when writing this article. sorry

in the first window there is no change.

in the second window something has changed by adding master, but there is still an error message

git checkout master
git pull
M 0 - Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks.ipynb
M 1 - Connecting to Hardware.ipynb
M ChipWhisperer Firmware Upgrade.ipynb
M ChipWhisperer Setup Test.ipynb
M ChipWhisperer Updating.ipynb
M courses/sca101/Lab 2_1A - Instruction Power Differences (HARDWARE).ipynb
M courses/sca101/Lab 2_1A - Instruction Power Differences (MAIN).ipynb
M courses/sca101/Lab 2_1B - Power Analysis for Password Bypass (HARDWARE).ipynb
M courses/sca101/Lab 2_1B - Power Analysis for Password Bypass (MAIN).ipynb
M courses/sca101/Lab 3_1 - Large Hamming Weight Swings (HARDWARE).ipynb
M courses/sca101/Lab 3_1 - Large Hamming Weight Swings (MAIN).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault101/Fault 1_1 - Introduction to Clock Glitching.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault101/Fault 1_2 - Clock Glitching to Bypass Password.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault101/Fault 1_3 - Clock Glitching to Memory Dump.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault101/Fault 1_4 - Authenticated AES Bootloader.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault101/Fault 2_1 - Introduction to Voltage Glitching.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault101/Fault 2_2 - Voltage Glitching to Bypass Password.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault101/Fault 2_3 - Voltage Glitching to Memory Dump.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault101/
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault101/SOLN_Fault 1_1 - Introduction to Clock Glitching.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault101/SOLN_Fault 1_2 - Clock Glitching to Bypass Password.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault101/SOLN_Fault 1_3 - Clock Glitching to Memory Dump.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault101/SOLN_Fault 1_4 - Authenticated AES Bootloader.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault101/SOLN_Fault 2_1 - Introduction to Voltage Glitching.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault101/SOLN_Fault 2_1B - Introduction to Voltage Glitching with CWNano.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault101/SOLN_Fault 2_2 - Voltage Glitching to Bypass Password.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault101/SOLN_Fault 2_2B - Voltage Glitching with CWNano to Bypass Password.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault101/SOLN_Fault 2_3 - Voltage Glitching to Memory Dump.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault201/Lab 1_1A - Introduction to AES Fault Attacks.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault201/Lab 1_1B - AES Loop Skip Fault Attack in Practice.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault201/Lab 1_2 - 1.5 Round AES Attack.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault201/Lab 1_3A - DFA Attack Against Final MixColumns.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault201/Lab 1_3B - DFA Attack on AES.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault201/Lab 2_1 - Fault Attack on RSA.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault201/
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault201/SOLN_Lab 2_1 - Fault Attack on RSA.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault201/img/aes_operations.png
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault201/img/clock_glitches.png
A jupyter-backup/courses/fault201/
A jupyter-backup/courses/faultapp1/LPC1114_Fuse_Bypass.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/faultapp1/external/
A jupyter-backup/courses/faultapp1/external/lpc1114_first4096.bin
A jupyter-backup/courses/faultapp1/external/
A jupyter-backup/courses/faultapp1/img/A9_LPC1114_CHANGES.jpg
A jupyter-backup/courses/faultapp1/img/A9_LPC_CWLITE_Conn.jpg
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 0 - SCA101 Setup.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 2_1A - Instruction Power Differences (HARDWARE).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 2_1A - Instruction Power Differences (MAIN).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 2_1A - Instruction Power Differences (SIMULATED).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 2_1B - Power Analysis for Password Bypass (HARDWARE).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 2_1B - Power Analysis for Password Bypass (MAIN).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 2_1B - Power Analysis for Password Bypass (SIMULATED).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 3_1 - Large Hamming Weight Swings (HARDWARE).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 3_1 - Large Hamming Weight Swings (MAIN).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 3_1 - Large Hamming Weight Swings (SIMULATED).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 3_2 - Recovering Data from a Single Bit.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 3_3 - DPA on Firmware Implementation of AES (HARDWARE).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 3_3 - DPA on Firmware Implementation of AES (MAIN).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 3_3 - DPA on Firmware Implementation of AES (SIMULATED).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 4_1 - Power and Hamming Weight Relationship (HARDWARE).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 4_1 - Power and Hamming Weight Relationship (MAIN).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 4_1 - Power and Hamming Weight Relationship (SIMULATED).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 4_2 - CPA on Firmware Implementation of AES (HARDWARE).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 4_2 - CPA on Firmware Implementation of AES (MAIN).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 4_2 - CPA on Firmware Implementation of AES (SIMULATED).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 4_3 - ChipWhisperer Analyzer CPA Attack (HARDWARE).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 4_3 - ChipWhisperer Analyzer CPA Attack (MAIN).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 4_3 - ChipWhisperer Analyzer CPA Attack (SIMULATED).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 5_1 - ChipWhisperer CPA Attacks in Practice.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/Lab 6_4 - Jittery Triggering on UART.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/SOLN_Lab 2_1B - Power Analysis for Password Bypass.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/SOLN_Lab 3_1 - Large Hamming Weight Swings.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/SOLN_Lab 3_2 - Recovering Data from a Single Bit.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/SOLN_Lab 3_3 - DPA on Firmware Implementation of AES.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/SOLN_Lab 4_1 - Power and Hamming Weight Relationship.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/SOLN_Lab 4_2 - CPA on Firmware Implementation of AES.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/generators/Lab2_1B - GENERATOR.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/generators/Lab3_1 - GENERATOR.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/generators/Lab3_3 - GENERATOR.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/generators/Lab4_1 - GENERATOR.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/generators/Lab4_2 - GENERATOR.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/generators/Lab4_3 - GENERATOR.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/img/4traces_aes_clkx1.png
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/img/4traces_aes_clkx1_offset60000.png
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/img/4traces_aes_clkx1_presample5000.png
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/img/4traces_aes_clkx1_presample5000_zoom.png
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/img/4traces_aes_clkx4.png
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/img/4traces_aes_poortrigger.png
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/img/aesinput.png
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/img/dpa-doublepeak.png
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/img/dpa_peakexample.png
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/img/shunt_chipwhisperer.png
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/img/spa_password_diffexample.png
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/img/spa_password_h_vs_0_overview.png
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/img/spa_password_h_vs_0_zoomed.png
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/img/spa_password_list_char1.png
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/img/traces_wrong.png
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/img/uart_triggers.png
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/traces/aes_2500traces_random.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/traces/lab2_1b_passwords_full.p
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca101/traces/password_sim.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/Extending AES-128 Attacks to AES-256.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/Lab 1_1A - Resychronizing Traces with Sum of Absolute Difference (SIMULATED).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/Lab 1_1A - Resychronizing Traces with Sum of Absolute Difference.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/Lab 1_1A - Resynchronizing Traces with Sum of Absolute Difference (HARDWARE).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/Lab 1_1B - Resychronizing Traces with Dynamic Time Warp (HARDWARE).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/Lab 1_1B - Resychronizing Traces with Dynamic Time Warp (SIMULATED).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/Lab 1_1B - Resychronizing Traces with Dynamic Time Warp.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/Lab 2_1 - CPA on 32bit AES (HARDWARE).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/Lab 2_1 - CPA on 32bit AES (SIMULATED).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/Lab 2_1 - CPA on 32bit AES.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/Lab 2_2 - CPA on Hardware AES Implementation (HARDWARE).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/Lab 2_2 - CPA on Hardware AES Implementation (SIMULATED).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/Lab 2_2 - CPA on Hardware AES Implementation.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/Lab 2_3 - Attacking Across MixColumns.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/Lab 3_1A - AES256 Bootloader Attack.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/Lab 3_1B - Reverse Engineering on the AES256 Bootloader.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/SOLN_Lab 1_1A - Resychronizing Traces with Sum of Absolute Difference.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/SOLN_Lab 1_1B - Resychronizing Traces with Dynamic Time Warp.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/SOLN_Lab 2_1 - CPA on 32bit AES.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/SOLN_Lab 2_2 - CPA on Hardware AES Implementation.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/SOLN_Lab 3_1A - AES256 Bootloader Attack.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/firmware.pickle
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/img/AES_MixCol.png
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/img/GoodVBadRef.png
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/img/Resync_traces_ref.png
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/img/aes_operations.png
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca201/img/stm_run1.png
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca202/PA_SPA_2-RSA_on_XMEGA_8bit.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca203/AES-f4.hex
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca203/AES-mbed.hex
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca203/AES-xmega.hex
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca203/AES.hex
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca203/CWTVLA Specific Tests.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca203/Introduction to TVLA.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca203/Using CWTVLA For Easy TVLA Testing.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca203/
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca203/cw305_35.bit
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca203/cw305_top.bit
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca203/
A jupyter-backup/courses/sca203/
A jupyter-backup/demos/CW-Pro Using SAD (Analog Pattern) Trigger - Attacking AES.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/demos/CW305_ECC.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/demos/ECC_capture.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/demos/H-Field Probe Demo 1 (with CPA).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/demos/PA_HW_CW305_1-Attacking_AES_on_an_FPGA.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/demos/
A jupyter-backup/demos/Using Segmented Memory for Hardware AES (STM32F4).ipynb
A jupyter-backup/demos/cwlite_interface_segmented.bit
A jupyter-backup/demos/img/ECC_threshold.png
A jupyter-backup/demos/img/hprobe_xmega_setup.jpg
A jupyter-backup/demos/img/uecc_jumpers.png
A jupyter-backup/demos/img/uecc_poi11.png
A jupyter-backup/demos/uecc.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/experiments/AES_Adv_1-Different Hamming Weight Locations.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/experiments/Live Plotting Glitch.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/experiments/MixColumn Attack.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/experiments/
A jupyter-backup/experiments/external/
A jupyter-backup/experiments/external/lpc1114_first4096.bin
A jupyter-backup/experiments/external/
A jupyter-backup/experiments/phywhisperer-install.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/experiments/phywhisperer-sniff.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/experiments/phywhisperer-trigger.ipynb
A jupyter-backup/experiments/scared.ipynb
Your branch is behind ‘origin/master’ by 226 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.
(use “git pull” to update your local branch)
Updating f7aa41f…d2a1bd3
Already on ‘master’
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
ChipWhisperer Firmware Upgrade.ipynb
ChipWhisperer Updating.ipynb
Please commit your changes or stash them before you merge.

CalledProcessError Traceback (most recent call last)
----> 1 get_ipython().run_cell_magic(‘bash’, ‘’, ‘\ngit checkout master\ngit pull\n’)

~\WPy64-3771\python-3.7.7.amd64\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\ in run_cell_magic(self, magic_name, line, cell)
2401 with self.builtin_trap:
2402 args = (magic_arg_s, cell)
→ 2403 result = fn(*args, **kwargs)
2404 return result

~\WPy64-3771\python-3.7.7.amd64\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\magics\ in named_script_magic(line, cell)
140 else:
141 line = script
→ 142 return self.shebang(line, cell)
144 # write a basic docstring:

~\WPy64-3771\python-3.7.7.amd64\lib\site-packages\ in fun(*args, **kw)
230 if not kwsyntax:
231 args, kw = fix(args, kw, sig)
→ 232 return caller(func, *(extras + args), **kw)
233 =
234 fun.doc = func.doc

~\WPy64-3771\python-3.7.7.amd64\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\ in (f, *a, **k)
185 # but it’s overkill for just that one bit of state.
186 def magic_deco(arg):
→ 187 call = lambda f, *a, **k: f(*a, **k)
189 if callable(arg):

~\WPy64-3771\python-3.7.7.amd64\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\magics\ in shebang(self, line, cell)
243 sys.stderr.flush()
244 if args.raise_error and p.returncode!=0:
→ 245 raise CalledProcessError(p.returncode, cell, output=out, stderr=err)
247 def _run_script(self, p, cell, to_close):

CalledProcessError: Command ‘b’\ngit checkout master\ngit pull\n’’ returned non-zero exit status 1.

Thanks so much

For the first block, I think git’s link to the CW repository has somehow been messed up (it should pull from origin, not master). Try replacing git pull with git pull origin. Additionally, can you post the results of
git remote show?

For the second block, try this instead:

git checkout master
git add .
git stash
git pull

If you get an error, try this:

git config --global "none"
git config --global ""
git checkout master
git add .
git stash
git pull

Thank you very much now everything worked :slight_smile:

the result to your question, “git remote show”

git remote show


thank you for your time

Good to hear that worked for you. I’m not too sure why it’s using master as a remote, but you might be able to have a normal git push work for you by running git push -u origin develop.

Let me know if you run into any other issues.


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