Hello, I attempted to update my CW1200 because a message indicated that I was on version 1.00 and that a more recent version 1.6 was available. I tried to update via the Firmware update notebook. Once initiated, the Juniper block indicated “Entering Bootloader mode” and the screen of the Chipwhisperer Pro went black (turned off?), and nothing else happened. I am now stuck with a non-responsive device. I found on the forum that it seems possible to “revive the device” by performing a “manual boot,” which requires connecting a cable between two connection points. Is this the correct solution? Are there other possible solutions? What is the purpose of this cable that I need to manually connect to perform this restart? Thank you in advance for your help as this situation is stressing me out. I don’t want to have permanently broken my Chipwhisperer Pro. Yann
If you’re on Windows, do you see a serial port in Device Manager when you connect and power the CW1200? If so, you can follow the instructions here: Updating Firmware — ChipWhisperer 5.7.0 documentation
It’s very unlikely that there’s anything wrong with the ChipWhisperer beyond it just being stuck in bootloader mode.
No I didn’t see it anymore.
Any Clue in this case?
Do you hear any sort of connecting sound in Windows when you unplug + replug the USB?
If not, shorting the erase pins (JP3) as per CW1200 ChipWhisperer-Pro - NewAE Hardware Product Documentation should put the device into bootloader mode.
Thanks for your support, I finally succeed to connect back to my Chipwishperer-pro.