The tutorial Fault 2_2 - Voltage Glitching to Bypass Password isn't working

I have been using the chipwhisperer lite on the STM32F303 provided in the kit. I have following the voltage glitch tutorial to bypass password but so far I’ve had no successes. It’s all either resets or normal results. However, I am getting success doing the introduction to voltage glitching tutorial. Any idea what’s going on?


At first I was getting the same behaviour with nano, the problem was following the example word by word without trying another things, the notebooks are more a guide than a tutorial, they put you on the way but don’t trust the numbers you see on them (I mean the offsets anf things like that) so I suggest you to pick a good range and let the notebook running all night until you find the sweet spot for that chip

Good luck

Will try that. Do you have any idea how the CW decides it’s a success or reset? I changed the firmware such that the passok flag is always 1, still it’s showing 0 success. This probably means it isn’t taking the glitch success on the basis of this flag value. I want to understand the whole code flow

If i’m not wrong the notebook is reading the response to the password command, and based on that response is getting it knows if the glitch worked.
If the repsonse is ‘1’ you bypassed the password or the passwor was correct, so mark that try as success
If there is no response in a while the target is frozen.
If the response is ‘0’ wrong password… Etc

You have the code of simpleserial v2 in this file chipwhisperer/capture/targets/ :wink: