The tutorial isn't going well

When running the ChipWhisperer tutorial, I often get waveforms that are quite different from the ones shown in the examples. Is there any place where I can find more information or example code to help with this? By the way, I’m almost a beginner in Python and rely on OpenAI to write code.

That’s normal, especially if you’re using the newer SAM4S target. Most tutorials were developed against the STM32 target (but have been validated against the SAM4S). Compiler versions can also make a difference. It’s not feasible to show waveforms for each combination of target / compiler…

If you’re struggling, some of the tutorials have a solution notebook (for example: chipwhisperer-jupyter/courses/sca101/SOLN_Lab 2_1B - Power Analysis for Password Bypass.ipynb at master · newaetech/chipwhisperer-jupyter · GitHub) that you can peak at.

You can also ask help on specific issues here.

hank you for your response. I’m currently conducting an attack on CWNANO, but I’m worried because the acquired waveform is completely different.
If I imitate the code written here, will I be able to clear SCA101 level 2?
Also, I’ve been constantly worried about this, but are the platform settings correct for attacking CWNANO?

In each course folder there’s a which will show you the hardware requirements of each tutorial.

Yes - BTW this is explained in the first notebook.

Don’t be afraid to fail, it’s a part of learning. If you come to an impasse, ask for help here.

Thank you for your reply.
Even after reading the readme, I couldn’t understand much. sorry.
I was worried for a long time because what is installed in CWNANO is officially listed as STM32.

Thank you, if you have any trouble, please ask for help here.

Thank you. I’ll ask for help here when I’m in trouble.

For example the table here shows that all of the sca101 labs can be done on the Nano, except for lab 6.4.

The Nano has an STM32F0 target; we usually refer to it simply as the Nano, because it’s a fixed target. (It is possible to break off the Nano’s STM32F0 target to use other targets, as explained here, but none of our tutorials require this.)

“STM32” usually refers the to the STM32F3 which is the standard CW-Lite target. It’s quite similar to your Nano’s STM32F0, but has more flash.

The best place to learn about all our targets is our hardware documentation site.

I really appreciate your clear explanation. It was very helpful.