I have built a circuit for glitching PIC12F1822, an 8-bit MCU running from internal 8 MHz oscillator. The code that’s running on the PIC is similar to the XMEGA code from the Fault 101 tutorials:
if serial command received:
set trigger high
increment variable
set trigger low
send variable over uart
goto loop
I’ve been trying to find the correct voltage glitch parameters for over a day now. The procedure I follow is:
- Find the glitch parameters which will result in about 20% target reset (this step is working)
- Select a point in time after the trigger
- Inject a number of glitches around that point and watch for unusual output from the UART (the only results are a normal output or a reset)
So far nothing I do works, and I’ve done quite a bit of experiments. I hope that means I’m missing something and not that the PIC micro is immune to voltage glitching. The glitch settings are:
glitch =
clk_src = clkgen
width = 46.09375
width_fine = 0
offset = 1.171875
offset_fine = 0
trigger_src = ext_single
arm_timing = after_scope
ext_offset = 14
repeat = 19
output = glitch_only
The CW clock is set to 64 MHz.
My strategy will benefit from some comments.