UART in cw305 board


I am working with the CW305 board, and I have implemented my design on the FPGA. Now I want to view the output on my PC.

I need to use UART for this, and I would like to know if the UART functionality is available over the USB cable provided with the board or if I need to use an external UART-to-USB converter. Additionally, could you guide me on how to set up and view the output on my PC?

Thank you in advance for your help!

No, it’s not. However if you’re using ChipWhisperer capture hardware, then you can use the IO1/IO2 pins of the 20-pin port (just like all our non-FPGA targets do). Our example Ibex and DesignStart soft-cores do this (links here).

To interact with it from your PC, again look at how this is done with all our non-FPGA targets.