I don’t think we’ve seen that error before. It seems like the first read is returning fewer bytes than expected. Looking at the bootloader code, I can see that, due to a SAM3U bug, this is done by first doing a read of 1 byte, then doing a read of 255 bytes. I’m guessing that this first read is working, but the subsequent one fails for some reason.
I’m not too sure then. This might be related to other serial issues that we’ve seen on Linux - some people will have the serial port open call hang instead. If you do have another PC lying around, you could try that. You might also want to try using a different USB port/cable.
Unfortunately, this is a pretty tough issue for us to debug, as the code being used isn’t ours - the bootloader was written by Atmel and all the serial stuff is handled by Linux. I also haven’t been able to replicate the issue.
Thank you, the problem was solved by using another PC. In addition, previously a VM on VirtualBox was used, and now I used a baremetal installation. It was probably a latency issue. Regards!