What happens when it's triggered?

I am using chipwhisperer husky to perform SCA.
When I capture a waveform, I find that there is always a section of the captured waveform before the waveform of my operation.

As you can see in the picture, but when I extended the number of cycles of my operation, I noticed that the position I circled lengthened instead of lengthening from zero.

This is very confusing to me because the documentation says so:“ Sets the scope offset to 0 (aka it will begin capturing as soon as it is triggered)”

I want to know what happened when the trigger was triggered. :slightly_smiling_face:

I think there’s a mismatch between:

  1. what you think the target should be doing
  2. what the target is actually doing.

Look at the disassembly (.lss file) of your target firmware to understand what your target is actually doing when it triggers the ChipWhisperer capture.