About the scope.arm() and the trigger

I search the topic about scope.arm() and scope.capture(), and get some questions about the usage.
In this topic,

In this topic,

  1. Do the two functions, scope.arm() and scope.capture(), detect triggers? What is the trigger that scope.arm() is looking for ? How about scope.capture()? Are both functions related to the signal on the victim side, such as rising on GPIO4 via the victim sending a trigger?
  2. Is traces collecting related to the setting of scope.trigger? Do I need to specify a certain port, such as GPIO4 on CW308?


More precisely, scope.arm() tells the ChipWhisperer’s FPGA to start looking for a (typcially) rising edge trigger. No further action is needed for the FPGA to begin recording ADC data, it’s just waiting on that rising edge trigger. scope.capture() just polls the hardware to see if the capture happened and, if so, it transfers the ADC data back to the PC.

Yeah, you specify most of the trigger settings via scope.trigger. The only exception is rising/falling/high/low, which is set via scope.adc. This is because this setting is actually outside the normal trigger module and only applies to the ADC and not to the glitch module.



According to the response, after I call scope.arm(), I begin using the software to control the victim for computation. The scope.capture() command then starts detecting the trigger from the hardware side. For example, if I am using the CW308, when I transmit data via SPI through MOSI, that is the trigger detected by scope.arm(). scope.capture() will detect whether a trigger has occurred on the port I have configured. The method of detection and the choice of PIN are done through:

I need to use scope.adc() to set the types of trigger events (rising/falling/high/low). The detection of a trigger by scope.capture() involves configuring specific pins and applying certain boolean operations to determine when the trigger is detected. After the calculation is done, the victim need to send a trigger event through the pin which I chose. Am I right?


Yup, that sounds correct.

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